Keeping My Guitar Cable from Turning the knobs of my FM9


A highly UN-technical question ........ while playing my FM9 in my studio - I find my guitar cable to frequently get wrapped around various knobs or buttons which eventually ends up changing parameters or even the patch itself. This is due the fact that the guitar input is on the backside of the unit. Anybody have suggestions? Perhaps an attachable cable holder (or 2) on the side of the unit so this does not happen?

I can't imagine that I am the only one who has experienced this.

Thanks - Dennis
Maybe don’t run your guitar cable over the unit?? 😝😝

Otherwise Velcro tie the Ins/Outs for clean cable cable management
Maybe don’t run your guitar cable over the unit?? 😝😝

Otherwise Velcro tie the Ins/Outs for clean cable cable management
Well I was thinking it would eventually damage the cable by running it underneath the FM9 since then the FM9 sits right on top of the cable - it is certainly putting pressure on the cable when I check it.
I suggest just routing the cable under the FM9 to keep it from wandering...
This 4-way patch port will allow connecting 4 separate ¼" TS/TRS cables to your Temple Audio board (instrument, headphones, external TRS speaker jack, TRS expression pedal, for example) while maintaining the integrity of the board and avoiding cable tangle. Simply route the instrument cable connection (a 1m ¼" TS patch cable will work) from the instrument-in jack to the 4-way underneath the board.

Here's a link where you can locate the 4 way...
I'm a huge fan of gaff tape. You could also stick a wire guide to the side of the FM9 to clip your cable into. I use a wireless, but I get that many people don't like them. I have done studio sessions wired, and the rear input jack has caused me some pain.
This 4-way patch port will allow connecting 4 separate ¼" TS/TRS cables to your Temple Audio board (instrument, headphones, external TRS speaker jack, TRS expression pedal, for example) while maintaining the integrity of the board and avoiding cable tangle. Simply route the instrument cable connection (a 1m ¼" TS patch cable will work) from the instrument-in jack to the 4-way underneath the board.

Here's a link where you can locate the 4 way...

I did this as well. :)

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I have the same issue at times in my studio at the desk.
I find having an unused guitar stand just to my right, I can drape the cord over the stand and then allow only as much instrument cable I want coming to my guitar.
I suggest just routing the cable under the FM9 to keep it from wandering...

I was going to scoff at this idea, because of the FM9 sitting atop cables, until I checked, and apparently the little bumpers under the unit actually allow for cables to run under it, without the weight of the unit awkwardly laying on the thick wire. Great suggestion! I will use this, too.

@Dennis01, something like this happened to me once live, only it wasn't the cable. Something lightly moved over some buttons, and edited a preset. Before panicking, I remembered something that helped me a lot. As long as I don't SAVE the present/scenes, the edit would go away. So I very quickly, before doing anything else, just navigated to another preset, then back to that accidentally edited one, and it solved the problem. Just in case you ever find something swiping over your unit and editing your preset, this can be a life saver.
so, I thought this was a funny thread.......till it happened to me. and it WASN"T my cable.

I run my EIM's out of output 3 and of course out3 has to be cranked to a hundy. I use the top left switch to change songs in my set and WHAMMY, all my sound was gone and I mean ALL I ran every test in the book not thinking to even look at the out3 knob.

Now it's happened several times, so, ya, time to tape it in place for gigs. gheesh1
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