Just recorded the Axe DIRECT for the first time (clip)


Working on a new track for the ProgMetal project, so as it's been 1AM when I had the idea for this bit, I plugged the Axe direct, used one of my Ueber patches, threw the stock Vintage 30 and G12T75 cabs each mixed 50%, took my McCarty and put down some tracks.

It's just EZ drums and 2 guitar tracks, plus some synth pad coming in later.

I like the result, it's using much more of the frequency band than the mic recordings, which have more mids but sound also a bit more congested. Maybe I should get myself one of those Verve thingys now .... hmmmmm

Here's the clip: http://www.thegutbusters.com/temp/axe_d ... xample.mp3
That sounds good no doubt.

What's better then have a cool drink and listening to great tones coming from the AXE? Nothing.

Greg Howe himself said Axe-fx is the greatest guitar related item. Nevermore, Meshugga top metal bands use the Axe-Fx. Jeff Loomish menthioned he can craft any sound he wants with the AXE.
Clawfinger said:
One thing puzzles me though....Why not use your own IR's? ;)

Yeah, but I just couldn't figure out anymore how I did it last time, then I was too lazy to start researching the midi stuff again, and just tried the stock V30/12T75 mixed and liked em. In the end that's kinda what's in the Ueber cab, right? :lol:
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