Is there any point in buying a traditional amp after owning a II.

Like many of you, I have a gear problem/addiction/habit/need to know....and to be honest- the axe has really kept the GAS at bay for several years.
But I have an opportunity to land a Mark V head and 112 cab for a pretty ridiculous price, and I love that amp. Actually, there is a collection of Mesa available to me for very low dollars, and they are all pristine- but I've never owned a V...
Any of you keep a V around AND have a II? I use several USA lead models as my core lead tones- i love the focus. Are there any AXE USA tricks I should check out in the advanced amp tabs? Any other tips with cabs you can share?
I have one friend who owns both (has for a couple years) but says he doesn't touch the V anymore because the II is so close... I guess I'm just looking for additional opinions before spending any money.
I haven't been able to really coax the Mark 1 mode out of the Axe yet- and it just sings in the V...any tone matches of that mode around?

I have Axe Standard and Mark V (and a few other tube amps) and I alternate between them. Lower and mid-gain, Axe doesn't come anywhere close. Then again, it's a Standard, Axe II would probably do better. I'm just holding out for a III. :lol
I prefer an actual amp over the axe sims. I just love my red plate black loop combo. If it ain't broke....... I use the axe along with it sometimes into the loop of pedal pro unit and sometimes I use an all pedal setup with it. It sounds great no matter what I use.
Is there any point in buying a traditional amp after owning a II? Like many of you, I have a gear problem/addiction/habit/need to know....and to be honest- the axe has really kept the GAS at bay for several years.
But I have an opportunity to land a Mark V head and 112 cab for a pretty ridiculous price, and I love that amp. Actually, there is a collection of Mesa available to me for very low dollars, and they are all pristine- but I've never owned a V...
Any of you keep a V around AND have a II? I use several USA lead models as my core lead tones- i love the focus. Are there any AXE USA tricks I should check out in the advanced amp tabs? Any other tips with cabs you can share?
I have one friend who owns both (has for a couple years) but says he doesn't touch the V anymore because the II is so close... I guess I'm just looking for additional opinions before spending any money.
I haven't been able to really coax the Mark 1 mode out of the Axe yet- and it just sings in the V...any tone matches of that mode around?

Yes ... of course ... you should buy as many exotic new boutique amps as you can possibly afford ... and have them shipped directly to Cliff Chase c/o FAS :)
I've not used a traditional amp since the early 90's

sure a lot of them have great tones etc…
but all I see in them is limitations [especially control wise]
it's like being expressively bound and gagged
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