Is there a Default " Depth " Amp setting ?

ben ifin

Hi all !

Given most Amps don't have and never had a "Depth" control ..... in the Axe/FM3 is the default real world value for Depth 0 or 5 [or something else] ?

For amps that don't have a depth control, the default is 0. For amps that do have a depth control, it varies depending on the amp.

Thanks very much for that.

For some unknown-to-me-bizarro-reason I thought the default/stock Depth setting was 5 ?!?!?!?!?

So I had everything at Depth = 5 and all my sounds were sounding great but all had this extra-low-mid-energy I couldn't really dial out.

So I pulled the Depth to zero in all of them and ...... done ... nice clear low mids and tighter low end !

I just wanted to check I wasn't mis-interpreting something :)

Many thanks again,
Thanks very much for that.

For some unknown-to-me-bizarro-reason I thought the default/stock Depth setting was 5 ?!?!?!?!?

So I had everything at Depth = 5 and all my sounds were sounding great but all had this extra-low-mid-energy I couldn't really dial out.

So I pulled the Depth to zero in all of them and ...... done ... nice clear low mids and tighter low end !

I just wanted to check I wasn't mis-interpreting something :)

Many thanks again,
I think, as you've discovered Ben, it's more dependent on your environment. Sometimes that depth control can give a nice fuller sound but other times it just adds lows that muddy the tone, so from that perspective I would say there is no real default, it's just an optional effect
When you double click the setting in axe edit, or open an amp for the first time it should load a default value. For amps without it, those should load at 0 I would expect. For amps with fixed depth settings (like a Bogner which has 3 settings instead of a knob) it'll load as one of those settings, and for amps with a control it'll load at a default value (maybe 5).

Edit: Axe Edit doesn't know, so using the Axe Edit reset setting operation doesn't solve this.
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When you double click the setting in axe edit
No, that's not how it works, at least not in FM9-EDIT.

I see the following behavior on all amps (that i inspected):
  • (Re)selecting an Amp type resets the Depth value to the default (Archean: 3, Brit Pre: 0, CA+ Lead: 2,5, etc.).
  • The 'Reset Current Channel'-option on the Amp block resets the Depth value also to the default.
  • Double-clicking the Depth-knob resets it always to 0.
When you double click the setting in axe edit, or open an amp for the first time it should load a default value. For amps without it, those should load at 0 I would expect. For amps with fixed depth settings (like a Bogner which has 3 settings instead of a knob) it'll load as one of those settings, and for amps with a control it'll load at a default value (maybe 5).
No, that's not how it works, at least not in FM9-EDIT.

I see the following behavior on all amps (that i inspected):
  • (Re)selecting an Amp type resets the Depth value to the default (Archean: 3, Brit Pre: 0, CA+ Lead: 2,5, etc.).
  • The 'Reset Current Channel'-option on the Amp block resets the Depth value also to the default.
  • Double-clicking the Depth-knob resets it always to 0.
Double clicking settings in the editor resets them to "editor default" values. This is often not the actual default value from the block itself...

It has been this way for a long time. Maybe @Michael Pickens can provide an explanation as to why?

Resetting the the amp block with a "soft" reset might maintain the Depth setting or might not. This is at least partially related to whether your preference is set to Authentic or Ideal.

If you want the real default, use the Reset Channel option in the editor (CTRL-I).
I suspect in that case that the editor doesn't have the amp default values available to load from. It just has a list of default values per UI element which is irrespective of amp model.
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