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Is the Big Hair amp based on the ADA MP1???

I used the ADA MP-1 with the MC-1 Foot controller and two ADA micro tube amps for years until a gig in 2006 it finally crapped out on me and I had no gain and I had to finish the show that way just plinking my leads with no sustain. Sucked so I ended up drinking too much that night.
Cliff! Would love an ADA in my AXE FX!!!
I was giging with a hiwatt sold it went with an ada mp1 for a year running in stereo with a power amp rack. Huge regret selling the hiwatt. Not long after that sold the ada-mp1 and all my effects gear and simplified with just a mesa boogie combo amp. Flash to last year, 23 years later, just bought a vintage HiWatt the same model I had originally sold had to pay 3x the price to get it back, worth every penny!! Advice to any newcomers: If at any way possible hold on to your gear you never know how things will change resist the urge at all cost to "trade it in" !!
Part of the MP-1 Tone comes from the built in chorus. In the Axe II, add a (80's style) Chorus block before the BIG HAIR Amp block and set the rate @ about 0.153 Hz oclock and the depth about 10%. (tweak from there/ Mix should be oh so lightly) Bake high on 350° 20 minutes and serve hot!

i will thy those chorus settings!!thank you bro.
Part of the MP-1 Tone comes from the built in chorus. In the Axe II, add a (80's style) Chorus block before the BIG HAIR Amp block and set the rate @ about 0.153 Hz oclock and the depth about 10%. (tweak from there/ Mix should be oh so lightly) Bake high on 350° 20 minutes and serve hot!
So was the Chorus in the MP-1 before the preamp?
I'll throw my name in the list of former ADA users. I had the MP1 (in fact, two of them, one spare) running with a Roland GP16 processor. It was a killer rig for the day. Somebody else in this thread said they didn't like the chorus in the MP1 but I disagree. To me, it sounded great and was my go-to chorus for all chorus needs.
I think some are romancing the MP1, I have an original one, and it sounds decent, literally no low end. To give an idea, added a bbe with the low contour maxed and it's usable.
I too and am ex ADA user. I had both the MP1 and the MP2 and the difference was night and day. IMO MP2 smoked the MP1 , especially when you get into trying different the pre-amp tubes. Plus the MP2 had a built in cab simulator. Not much, but enough to give you a couple options when running direct out. Unfortunately I sold all my MP's to pay for my Axe FX II years ago....sigh.
I never liked the built in chorus, either. I couldn't get it to be subtle enough. I used the ADA MP1-->Tom Scholz Chorus-->Rocktron Hush Ultra-->Alexsis Quadraverb-->ADA Tube power amp (later changed to a 3rd power stereo power amp)-->ADA Split Stack. Played it for 20 years.

Sounded amazing, but the Fractal gear blows it all away - so much more versatile, and my musical tastes have evolved to encompass more sounds over the years.
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Well Cliff, the ADA MP1 is THE sound of a LOT of hair metal bands from the 80's and your Big Hair amp sounds just like the ADA to my ears. Amazing job! I'm beginning to enjoy the FAS amps more than the real amp models!!!

Thanks for answering my question by the way. Love this amp! :)

I had an MP-1, and I had no idea that a lot of metal bands used it. I thought it was for us poor folk. I suppose it did have a great sound, but I had a boogie 295 power amp and stereo Peavey speakers, so I don't know if my sound was colored more by the speakers, power amp, or preamp. But it was the only rig I could afford. I think the Boogie was about $400; I had an ART rack processor - I think the whole rig was less than $900.
I still have two MP-1's collecting dust. Haven't used them in years, but when I did I loved them. What I didn't love a was the noise, but once you get past that the units sound great.

Love it or hate it... The ADA MP-1 is a notably distinct sound and it has been largely requested here through the years, but for whatever reason the request for a model seems to shunned.

Still hopeful one day the MP-1 will get its due and make the Fractal hall of fame. \m/
My first guitar rig, MP1 into the input of a JC120. It sounded awful. I had no idea what I was doing obviously but people take for granted how easy it is to learn things with the internet now. Back then it was very difficult to learn how to get good tone.
I still have two MP-1's collecting dust. Haven't used them in years, but when I did I loved them. What I didn't love a was the noise, but once you get past that the units sound great.

Love it or hate it... The ADA MP-1 is a notably distinct sound and it has been largely requested here through the years, but for whatever reason the request for a model seems to shunned.

Still hopeful one day the MP-1 will get its due and make the Fractal hall of fame. \m/

Yes, they were noisy, but I had a Rocktron Hush ultra between the mP1 and the Quadraverb. I forgot about that.
IMHO they didn't really have a distinct sound that stood out,
it was a serviceable utility tone but pretty unremarkable in the scheme of high gain history?
kind of funny how they caught on like they did.
it was a fad and I guess people were looking for convenience and the corerstone a poor man's bradshaw rack.
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