I'll be the first to admit when I'm just doing it wrong.


That being said, I am in possession of some of the nicest cabinets one can have. Yet I am still using cab sims through them because it just sounds BETTER. What am I doing wrong? Doesn't seem like I can get it to sound like a head going straight to a cab. Anyone have some cab-free patches they would be willing to share that sound great at decently loud volumes?
If it sounds good just go with it. One of the magic things about the axe IMO is that is breaks the rules about how things should go. If using a cab sim I to a real cab is killer sounding to you just rock it out. Don't let the little voice in your head tell you "this should not be"
Not the same thing I know but I liked tge sound of the Line 6 stuff I was using with cabs sims on same with the axe though I've pretty much just ran that FRFR. What ever sounds good.
For amp in the room, I can't beat a real cab. Still working on tweaking cab sims with FRFR. It is fun to experiment with cab sims through a real cab, but it's a different experience and I've had only limited time to do that.
As others have said, what works for you is what works. But if you want to learn why you prefer cab sims combined with real cabs (which I'll admit is surprising because that's usually a clarity-robbing combination), a good place to start is to figure out what aspect of that combination sounds better to you (less treble, or...?).
Not the same thing I know but I liked tge sound of the Line 6 stuff I was using with cabs sims on same with the axe though

Same here, I was a L6 user for years, always used CAB sim ON with 2 boogie cabs I got.
Also today with the II the cab sim is ON and I'm still with the 2 boogie cabs.
Simply cause it sounds good.
You have to really tweak with it to sound good. For live I run FOH and through an amp. So, I have 2 separate paths going with 2 separate amps.
I completely agree with the OP, I have never been able to make the axe II sound good without the cab sim turned on.
I found it much easier to leave it on and make tweaks listening to the sound through the guitar cab (an early 70's Marshall with 90's 25w GB's).

When the sim is off, it sounds like it is broken to me. I'm sure I don't know what I am doing and my sound is probably over-processed,
but, at the end of the day, it is a results oriented business. And so for me the sim stays on when I use the cabinet.
That being said, I do prefer to use FRFR monitors.

I have taken to the practice of using the real guitar cab as a cool looking table for the mini rack with the axe.
If I turn the cabinet on, I run it through a clean power amp and tweak the EQ of Output 2 to match what I hear differently between the cabinet and the FRFR.
I can get it pretty close unless it gets crazy loud, and then the guitar cab starts to break up. Then its best for me to use both and keep the volume of the guitar cab

In short, I'm a mess. But I like using the cab sometimes. It is definitely psychological. How can you play an old Judas Priest song running through the P.A.?
Doesn't anyone miss a full stack behind you? I cut my teeth on that stuff. Maybe its ridiculous, but I miss the old days.

I think there is a real need to make the speaker output portion of the axe show a lot cooler than what is currently best practice. I want FRFR sound from a beat up vintage
cabinet. This can be done I would think. But turning the sim off doesn't fly to my ears.
Usually I run FOH, and through in-ears, but as an experiment one day I ran the Axe into the effects return of my 6L6 Shiva; cab sims on. Sounded awesome.
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