I asked my dog if he could hear the difference between Axe-FX II and a real amp


Power User
He said, "Shut up and give me bacon treats."

Then he went back to sleep. Then I recorded this new original song and video.

I spent 0% of my time questioning the Axe-FX II. It was roughly 0.01% playing guitar, and 99.9% trying to figure out how to use my damn video editing software.

The chorus is probably too happy and major key for the metal folks around here. I'm going to try to be more angry in the future.

Great as always Adam!!!

I'm am going to inspire the minor and phrygian harmonic minor mood so you can play angry.. ..... Here we go... Cliff says your FIRED! :p
Most excellent! I thoroughly enjoyed that (post, tone, tune. . . the works).

I had a chance to try a Paul's Guitar and the only thing I didn't like was the neck carve. Loved the 408 pickups in combination with the 25" scale length. A very even, balanced tone to my ears.

Great video, Adam. Your tone is very similar to mine with my CU24 HFS/VB, I prefer my lead tones hot and whiny. You have a great ear and the mix is excellent!

Great demo.
Excellent! You're playing makes mine seem very sloppy.
I'm pretty sure your dog's mid-video scratchfest was right on with the tempo.
Thanks. It's a PRS 408 with their unique 408 pickup wiring. The neck pickup split is like a super ballsy single coil and the bridge humbucker has just the right midrange bite.
That was great! :)
What did you use for drums? The kit sounds awesome.
Did you use the Axe for bass as well?

EDIT: Of course, if I had just read the info on YouTube I would have answered all those questions!
So now, I propose another: Will you share patches? :eagerness:
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