How to use Five (5) Axe-Fx Units at the same time

Admin M@

Fractal Audio Systems

Guitarist GIANLUCA FERRO has completed the production of his first instructional DVD which will be made available shortly throught his personal website
The DVD is being promoted with a videoclip of “Parallels” a new instrumental track expressly written for this release.

Audio engineer and producer Andrea “berni” De Bernardi used 5 AxeFx guitar processors to reamp previously recorder guitar tracks.

Andrea Says:
I’ve been using AxeFx for quite some time now and for this production I decided to employ 5 units in order to be able to process all the guitar tracks at the same time. This further increased the already incredible versatility of the AxeFx.

Gianluca Says:
This workflow proved itself to be incredibly versatile, being able access all the parameter of the AxeFx during mixdown it’s quite a step forward as opposed to working with already printed guitar tracks.

Playing is sweet and all, but why did he have to be in a pool of water?

We just wanted to do something more creative than a guitar player playing a song on a chair in a studio with the camera stuck on his finger!
But since many people asked..
Next week we are releasing A video of this song with Gianluca playing (live) in a studio, with the camera stuck on his singer!!

Also we are releasing the backing track for free... Tabs are already available on his homepage.
Subscribe to outube channel to stay update.

Feel free to ask any question about the production of the song if you have any!

Cheers from Italy!!!
n00b question, but why were 5 axe fx's necessary? I mean I get that they were used to process independent signals simultaneously, but why is that such a big deal with pre-recorded guitar tracks in a studio setting?
n00b question, but why were 5 axe fx's necessary? I mean I get that they were used to process independent signals simultaneously, but why is that such a big deal with pre-recorded guitar tracks in a studio setting?

Hi, gianluca and I choose this kind of approach to be able to dial the right tone while hearing the full mix going... For example right before printing the mix we decided to add a little more gain on lead guitar and a little less on rithm guitar.. This is something you cannot do if working with printed processed guitar sound... You have to reamp all over again with a single axefx... This is where guitar amps plugins are really strong every track with a different plugin processing in realtime...but you do not get axefx quality in plugin format... Hope this make sense!!
I guess another thing to try but would involve a hex pickup, would be to use (6) Axe FX's with each one going to a different string, for some cool polyphonic distortion.. :)
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