How to achieve this tone of Frank Gambale?

Wow - that's a nice sound, and it's gonna take some messing around to duplicate. I'll tell you what I hear, but it's just my opinion. To me this sounds like a single coil in the neck or center position, but it has this very ballsy bouncy hoot (flip) on the verge of feedback that really makes the sound. I have a preset that gets a sound something like this. It uses an ODS-100 amp block (one of the higher gain models).... I think I'm using one of the 4-12 TV mix stock cab ir. I use fair amount of gain - looking for a rock tone, but not a mid-scooped metal tone. I would dial it in on the bridge pickup - eq to crispy rich distortion - and use the hi and low cut in the cab block to tighten it up. Then, flip to the bridge position, single coil or coil tap - and now the magic: back the tone knob on your guitar to 3-5, and drop the guitar volume knob to around 5. There is a sweet spot in there that you should hear when you find it. Then add an appropriate delay block, maybe a bit of room or reverb and you should be in the ball park.

Anyway - one possible way there among many - YMMV. You can get this kind of tone from a lot of amps - I like the ODS-100 because it has an interesting edge of feedback character - several others can easily replicate that character. This is just how I sort of did it.
There's an obvious flanger effect thickening his tone on that clip! You get that same effect on Kirk Hammet intro solo for Fade to black where he also use a flanger after the amp. Yup, flanger is the key ingredient for that tone!
rukus ods clean ev london plate or spring reverb.

Sounds like Santana who borrowed it from Peter Green.
paf humbucker neck and bridge with fender clean type amp
spring reverb...

I would use Rukus or PI Fuzz Zenmaster and ODS CLEAN Ev 4 12 cab London Plate or Spring Reverb try both....
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