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How do I upload tone match with edit


New Member
Hello all, I recently was able to purchase Axe FX 2. My fave fx unit!

I am frustrated beyond belief though. I can't get axe edit to upload any Tone matches I have, not anything from rig exchange.

Any help appreciated. BTW I have all current updates and software.
Hello all, I recently was able to purchase Axe FX 2. My fave fx unit!

I am frustrated beyond belief though. I can't get axe edit to upload any Tone matches I have, not anything from rig exchange.

Any help appreciated. BTW I have all current updates and software.
Are you sure that the presets are for your unit? For example.... Mark I/II, XL, XL+... Or even AX8, or Axe-Fx III?

Newer versions of the Axe-Fx II will load presets from an older version, but not the other way around. If you have a 'Mark I/II, it will not directly load any 'XL' or 'XL+' presets. An 'XL' will not load any 'XL+' presets. etc......

Check out the 'FracTool' utility for converting between the various 'Legacy' units.
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I checked and they are the correct unit number. How do I get them to my unit? Every tutorial that shows on search is for AXE fx 3.
How have you tried to import them? Have you read through the on-line manual?

B.T.W. which unit do you have?

Axe-Edit... Select a preset slot that is blank, or contains something that you are okay with over-writing. Click on the dedicated 'Import' button near the top left of the screen. Navigate to where you have the preset(s) stored in your computer. Select a preset, click the 'Open' button to send it to your unit for auditioning. You can 'Save' it in your unit in the current preset location using the 'Save' button in the editor, or select a different slot during the 'Save' process on the hardware, if desired.
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I have the Axe FX 2.
Okay... But there are four different versions. There is an Axe-Fx 2 Mark I (original), Mark II, XL, and XL+. And as stated above, there are restrictions on which preset versions are compatible with which units.
Also, The title of this thread is a bit misleading? Sounds like you are having a problem importing presets. Tone Match is just one block in a preset.

Are other presets importing? Are only presets with a tone match in them not importing?

Need more details to really figure out what is happening.
Ok I am getting presets imported. Thanks a million!

My Axe FX is the Axe FX 2 (the one after Ultra). The presets are from Axechange and I am getting them perfectly now. The one thing I can't seem to import is the IR's from Celestion and other places. I bought them for Torpedo Live but I was told they could be used here as well.
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