High resolution unit-face display with better graphics


This is purely a cosmetic thing, but these are wish list threads after all, so I figured why not mention it.

The little display on the unit is about the same size as my iPhone's display, and yet it only has blocky, low resolution monochrome graphics to represent the block layouts and parameter "knobs". For a unit that sells for between $1500 and $2000, investing a little more in the slickness of that display wouldn't add enough to the cost to scare off any customers. It would make the product, which is already awesome, into the sexiest thing on the planet.

I mean, look at the AmpliTube software app that runs on the iPhone. That app (which costs between FREE to $20) turns my phone into a tiny, tiny version of the Axe FX but with a graphical UI that reminds me I live in the year 2011, not 1984. C'mon Cliff, lets give that poor little screen an upgrade worthy of the rest of the product! :D
I'd rather have the money invested into the parts that make sound personally. If I want a pretty interface I'll just use AxeEdit.
The screen is functional and allows me some quick edits now that I mostly use AxeEdit. 2nd gen, maybe it would be nice to have a hires display.

I bought the AxeFX for its sound and flexibility.
There's nothing wrong with a highly functional product also delivering high aesthetic value too! :)
I like it barebones and functional on the unit itself it's fine, and AxeEdit supplies the pretty graphical interface for your lapatop/pc. I don't see any reason at all do bother.
hmmmm . . . . touch screen with axe edit built in . . . . just sayin' . . . . ;)
In theory great...in practice touch screens pretty much suck for precision. :)

I don't care either way, but at the end of the day I am playing the AxeFX, not reading emails or surfing the internet with it. As long as it is functional why would I want to pay an additional premium for colors on the display?

I'd rather have better IR support; that's something that would be beneficial to what the AxeFX is for.
Very few of these suggestions will be implemented in the short term, but it's fun to talk about it. Touch screens, just like digital effects <cough cough, ahem>, continue to improve as they gain market share. Cool stuff already in our hands, and more comin' down the pike!
I know. I keep wanting to put together a rackmounted PC or something to run AxeEdit, but it's really just not something that's going to make me play better or sound better.

It is fun to think about though.

I just got a new spectrum analyzer at work the other day that's got a touch screen and is running Windows. Playing solitaire on a spectrum analyzer is kind of neat, but the stupid touch screen sucks and to be honest there isn't any extra functionality and it's actually not as good as the old one it replaced. And I have no doubt that if I left it running for a few hours that it would lock up or something.
Solitaire on a spectrym analyzer - too cool!!! Having the words "touch screen" and "Windows" in the same sentence explains the problem.

"I'm not biased!" he said, while typing on his Macbook Pro . . . . :mrgreen
I'm a Windows guy because I'm just too familiar with it at this point. But yes, an OS on a piece of test gear is kind of silly.
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