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FM3 Here's another quick holdsworth, fusiony take

and another one

Allan Holdsworth / Tim Miller influenced, Dm9 Legato arpeggio, multi position

This is based on one of the switch-back legato licks from Sheets of Sound for Legato Guitar V2 but it takes it a step further by attacking the riff in multiple positions.

This is a very cool lick and learning it will help open up your approach to legato and guitar in general by getting you out of box positions!

It's a bit tricky as it combines legato and sweep picking, a technique I like to use with my own hybrid picking - using legato and pick/fingers ascending but using some economy picking, descending. This is also how Tim Miller approaches this.

I'm using a fractal FM3 processor and a couple Holdsworth presets I got from Jeremey Poparad although I've modified them somewhat.

#AllanHoldsworth #TimMillerGuitar
#sheetsofsound #legatoguitar #hybridpicking
#jazzguitarlessons #guitarlessons
#jazzguitar #modernjazzguitar #jazzguitarriffs
#YamahaSG #quartalharmony
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