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Heavy Devy on EMG tv, Axe-fx II content

nice!! i love devin, he's always having so much fun! was he actually playing through the axe-fx though? it didn't look like the input lights were going at all
Wow great performance! Do you think that all that ambient vox/synth stuff is a backing track or do you think he has some crazy fx that are creating it? Just curious cause I would like to know how you would accomplish that kinda sound.
He is a great artist....outstanding personality and exceptional performer
Will never forget that album and tour with Steve Vai for the "Sex and Religion" album
What a shock that was! and he just went on with his career....
Wow great performance! Do you think that all that ambient vox/synth stuff is a backing track or do you think he has some crazy fx that are creating it? Just curious cause I would like to know how you would accomplish that kinda sound.

I would say probably on the backing track.
There was one part where some background/ambient vocal came in before he was at the mic, so I'm sure it was part of the track.

That being said - that was f'n awesome.
He has to be mentioned with some of the top talents of all time. It is a shame he is not known outside a small audience. Incredible guitar player, lyricist and vox, combined with a total dedication to being unique and not following any trend. I just listened to 2 days of him straight on Spotify and had not heard some of his stuff on there. His Punky Bruster thing was hilarious and spot on about modern "punk" bands.
I am a devout I mean devout metalhead, I just have NEVER gotten into him, what am I missing? I mean I know he is original and produces all sorts of music all over the place but fill me in, I usually try to listen then just have to turn his stuff off...
I am a devout I mean devout metalhead, I just have NEVER gotten into him, what am I missing? I mean I know he is original and produces all sorts of music all over the place but fill me in, I usually try to listen then just have to turn his stuff off...

I am not sure a metal fan could not like Strapping Young Lad!!

I am a devout I mean devout metalhead, I just have NEVER gotten into him, what am I missing? I mean I know he is original and produces all sorts of music all over the place but fill me in, I usually try to listen then just have to turn his stuff off...

I think the problem is that you are a "devout and [you] mean devout metalhead." I don't mean that insultingly either. But metalheads have a very limited acceptance of what actually constitutes "real metal," in my experience, and Townsend happily mocks those very ideals a lot of the time.
Wow great performance! Do you think that all that ambient vox/synth stuff is a backing track or do you think he has some crazy fx that are creating it? Just curious cause I would like to know how you would accomplish that kinda sound.
Let me preface this by saying I love Dev's music and I'm a huge fan. That said, he plays to heavily orchestrated backing tracks. They include, vocals, guitar lines, synths, and effects too (such as vocal echoes and reverbs), and obviously, a click track. I can understand doing it for a solo performance like the posted vid, but he does the same thing live when he's playing with his full band, which bums me out - I'm referencing the Live By A Thread series as well as Retinal Circus. It's to such an extent, I believe the majority of what we're hearing is being piped in. I understand why he does it - his album production is HUGE and he wants to convey that live. I just wonder if he could achieve the same hugeness but add in the magic of live performancetby playing with top notch musicians that can double up on instruments and sing too, rather than his heavy metal buddies. I'd like to hear Deconstruction live...like really live, you know?
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