Had my amazing XL for a year today!


She arrived a year ago today, i still remember the anxiety and excitement waiting for the delivery. Took the day off work, was a hot day that day, like today!

Im still as excited about this thing as the day i awkwardly opened the box and peered at it's beautiful front panel.

Thanks FAS for the year of great guitar tones and endless FW updates! It has been the best bit of gear i have ever had and probably ever will have!

I'm having a drink to celebrate!
Today is my 5 monthaversarry with my XL and it's the best. I previously owned a Bogner Ecstasy. Now the Ecstasy is one of my favorite presets in the AXE. Got an Atomic CLR about three months ago, and now MFC is on it's way. Best gear ever!
Setting up my new XL+ today after playing my Axe II since 2012 (and the Ultra before). I am like a kid with a new toy, and to quote Loverboy... "Lovin' Every Minute Of It"

Congrats on your "anniversary" and best for the next year!
Best. Music. Purchase. Ever.


Purchased my first AxeFX (Ultra) in 2010, then upgraded to the AxeFX II at f/w version 5. The only gear purchases I've made since 2010 have been for a MFC-101, a couple of Ernie Ball VP JR volume pedals + a few parts (heavy duty 10k linear pots and Switchcraft TRS open frame jacks) to convert them into expression pedals, and a pair of Atomic CLR powered wedges. I won't make my next gear purchase until the AxeFX III is released and the initial rush on them is well over (excluding cables, strings, picks, and any needed parts of course). Everything I may ever wish to employ is already in the AxeFX II.

Best. Gear. Purchase. Ever.
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