Got my axe-fx yesterday and...


New Member

I just cannot believe how good it sounds... I used to have a podXT but this thing, man, there just is no
comparison. I finally can record guitars the way I want to. It shines and it shimmers, great!!!!!

Cliff, THANKS!!!
"it Shines and shimmers"

Yeah, the AFX does that; it does it very well. That's one of the things that really hit me too when I first heard it--those tiny details that sit on top of the already incredible sound and resolution. It's a virtual amp, or as the manual puts it, "It's not a modeler." Way above any other product in its category.

Cliff is the man! I've said it before; I'll say it again: Cliff is the Jim Marshall of our generation.
goodwill559 said:
Cliff is the Jim Marshall of our generation.
Sorry, (at the risk of sounding like an axe kisser) I think he's more original / innovative than Jim (though I'm not diminishing / dismissing Jim's contribution to guitar based music).

What did Cliff copy?

Oh wait, nothing.

OK, how about, "Cliff's legacy will be as influential in our generation as Marshall's legacy has been to the previous generation."
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