Wish Global channel

Global blocks are stored in system setting storage. I would assume global channels would need to be as well.

That means system settings would need space for all of those parts that are currently stored as part of the preset storage.
I don't know what system storage is. I think there are mass storage (slower), ram storage (fast) and registers (faster). I don't know how (and don't ask for!) Fractal handles process. I do know that data need to be stored in mass storage, be preset, global, system or hardware setting.

Simply put, the data stored in the box called "presets" are split intò two little box: presets and channels. The object contained are exactly the same, the space used is almost the same. I say almost because you have to address the 384 slots in the preset, so you need 2 bytes times 384, 768 bytes, less than 1 kb of info. The FM3 5.03 zip preset is 9500kb. So we are talkin about less than 1/10.000th of the space.

To efficiently use storage space, the same kb can be used to address 512 slots. Enlarging the channel box, we can have (512-384)x4 more channels.

I gladly trade bank C presets for more channels and scenes (the number of unique sounds double, lower used memory because each preset with similar chain don't waste storage space): 256 presets and 512 slots with 4 channels will be great for anyone usign scenes, channels or songs!
I don't know what system storage is. I think there are mass storage (slower), ram storage (fast) and registers (faster). I don't know how (and don't ask for!) Fractal handles process. I do know that data need to be stored in mass storage, be preset, global, system or hardware setting.

Simply put, the data stored in the box called "presets" are split intò two little box: presets and channels. The object contained are exactly the same, the space used is almost the same. I say almost because you have to address the 384 slots in the preset, so you need 2 bytes times 384, 768 bytes, less than 1 kb of info. The FM3 5.03 zip preset is 9500kb. So we are talkin about less than 1/10.000th of the space.

To efficiently use storage space, the same kb can be used to address 512 slots. Enlarging the channel box, we can have (512-384)x4 more channels.

I gladly trade bank C presets for more channels and scenes (the number of unique sounds double, lower used memory because each preset with similar chain don't waste storage space): 256 presets and 512 slots with 4 channels will be great for anyone usign scenes, channels or songs!
You're making a LOT of assumptions there.

Based on discussions in the past, the storage is allocated in certain ways internally. It's not as simple as "the storage size is no different".

Also, any wish that says "I'd gladly trade..." is a sure sign of trouble because not everyone else is of the same mind as you. :)

Anyway, I'll be quiet now. It's your wish and it's an interesting idea. Only Fractal can say if it has any chance of being implemented.
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