Give Cliff and everyone at Fractal Audio a break!!!!!


So soon do the same guys that have been praising Cliff turn around and bite him because he expands his product line and comes out with a "new and improved" version of what most of us already called and deemed as "perfect"!!!!!

The way I look at it is that Cliff owes us nothing! He has given multiple free firmware upgrades that have expanded the amp sim's significanty along with added more features all for FREE!

We could all be in the same boat as the AVID Eleven Rack group with having one firmware upgrade in 3 years and having to pay $99.00 for it. I came from that group and we all lined up and gladly paid the $99.00 to get some more amp sims, cabinet emulations and a few effects that should have been there from day one! Cliff seems to provide us with awesome upgrades every six months for free! Spoiled is the word that comes to mind!

This is going to be the same group of guys that will be complaining that they hurried up and sold their so-called "vintage" and "obsolete" Axe FX Standards/Ultra's and now have to wait a few months because of the high demand for the AXE 2.

Yeah it kind of stinks that your AXE FX Ultra is no longer the best FX processor on the planet but there are still ton's of guys out there that would give their arm to own a Ultra or a Standard unit in their current form!

I purchased an Ultra and a new 27" iMac last month ago and both have since been replaced with a "new/better/faster" model. Do I feel that Apple and Fractal owe me anything?? Hell no!!!

I am 40 years old and since owning the Ultra, I am finally able to generate the tones that I have been dreaming and searching for and that have been in my head since I started playing guitar over 30 years ago! To me the Ultra is my "Holy Grail" of tone! To me that is priceless.

So continue on with driving down the market value of the current units down and down as is currently witnessed on Ebay and the Classified sections of this forum! The tone of some members acting like this is a stock forum and that we are all shareholders and that Cliff owes us something because the current units are going to drop in value is outright ridiculous!

All I have to say is thank you Cliff and that I will continue to love my current Ultra and one day I am sure will love my AXE 2!

One happy customer!

I didn't buy an Axe FX Ultra in early 2008 because I thought it would hold market value forever. I bought it because I thought that it sounded good and it seemed to do a ton of stuff that would be valuable to me. And, boy was I ever right! And, if something else is now available which is even better... COOL!!! But, that takes nothing away from what I bought the first time.

Just because a new product is out, your existing Standard and Ultras (which everyone was happy with) will not change. They still sound and work the same as they would have, otherwise. You've lost nothing. Now, you own the second best device on the market - instead of the best. You want the best again? Sell other gear or save money to buy an Axe FX II.

Think of it like this...

If Cliff has the ability to make something even better, he absolutely should do it. He'd be crazy NOT to. His existing products (Axe FX Standard & Ultra) have all of the bugs worked out. If there's never another firmware upgrade for those, they're still great and do a million things well. That's enough for me until I come up with the money for the new one. And, more options are a good thing on top of that.

What's the alternative for Cliff? ...To NEVER come out with another product so that people who bought his old product can always feel secure in the fact that they've got the best unit on the market? That wouldn't last forever. Someone else could someday come up with something as good as or better than the first Axe FX. If Cliff can beat his competitors to it, he should. He needs to.

And, in the end, all that matters is that this genius is offering us an EVEN BETTER product for roughly what I paid for my Ultra 3 years ago. SIGN ME UP!!! I can sell some $h*+ to make it happen faster. And, once I eventually buy one, I can decide whether or not to keep my Ultra as a backup or 2nd device... or, sell it used to recover some of the money invested in the new one. It's not the end of the world. MAN --- if Cliff never came out with a new product, people would bitch about that. A few days ago, i was reading where people said Cliff couldn't win no matter what the countdown was for. How right they were.
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There's a successor to the best guitar invention since ... uhm ... the guitar and 50% of the reactions are accusations!
Can't wait.... :)
You are definitely right. Cliff and Fractal Audio have done nothing wrong. The "vintage" Axe Fx has so much to offer and it is still an unbelievable great product.
On the other hand, i can understand that disappointment of the guys that have just bought it.

But what i can´t understand is, why you have bought the iMac one month ago. I bought the new one last week and i knew that it was coming out since February.
I purchased the iMac on an impulse 2 months abo after getting a MacBook Air for my wife. Never been a Mac user before and found out how awesome they were, I ran out and got the iMAC for my studio! My excitement got the best of me but I am more than happy with the I3 processor of my iMac for my basement studio. Put it this way after setting up my wifes Macbook Air I got back in the car and purchased a iMac for myself and so did my parents. Both the Fractal and the Apple Computers, I will never look back.

The way I look at it is that Cliff saved me money. I was getting ready to order a Marsha amp with the HBE and the BE. After hearing how absolutely spot on Cliff's "FREE" upgrade of the HBE and BE were, I was sold. This way I get 68 other amp sims, cabinet emulations, ability to monitor with headphone and awesome effects for a fraction of what the Marsha would cost!
You are 100% right! And the Standard and Ultra models aren't as good as they were before, they are BETTER because of the firmware version 11.*

From now on... Be careful what you write on the "wish list". You might actually get it ;)

Well put!

"I want USB, I want more Cab Blocks, I want to be able to name User Cabs, I want better sounding sims....."

Well, you just got it!
You are 100% right! And the Standard and Ultra models aren't as good as they were before, they are BETTER because of the firmware version 11.*

Better? I think it sounds like a different unit I LOVE IT!
The II seems to be everything that people have been asking for. Its a great unit. I can't justify the price yet but I sure as hell would want one. All the features really make this thing the best guitar processor ever. The sounds from gen I devices are stellar. This unit can only up the ante. I have kept one big tube amp as a backup. Either I get an Ultra one day or this to be my backup and I am done with the big tube amp. Keeping a small 15watter for shits and grins I think.
Fractal and Apple products are expensive. But not when you think about what you get for your money. All the amp models, cabs, mics, effects, ... All the combinations... I am able to change huge rigs with just one button.
Okay, there are now people who get even more for their money, but that doesn´t mean that i haven´t made a great deal.
That is 100% true.

Everyone buying an AxeFx (Standard or Ultra) knows what he'll get - and got it - and more.

Even if someone bought the Ultra two days before he got the wanted Ultra and a free firmware update!

I got almost hundreds of free firmware updates since 2007 - Cliff even implemented some stuff that I suggested / wanted.

Now the old boxes are maxed out and a new one is there - GREAT - LOVE IT!

Yes, there will be a AxeFx III (or whatever) in 3-6 years and maybe an AxeFx II Ultra next year - I don't care - it's great to NOT stop to invent and create new hardware and software.
To the OP - very well put. The moaning is pretty pathetic. If you don't like the situation you can always sell your axe fx and move on. IMO It's a win-win situation - those of us who have the original models are still supported and have a great bit of kit and can buy the new model whenever you can afford it.
All I have to say is thank you Cliff and that I will continue to love my current Ultra and one day I am sure will love my AXE 2!

One happy customer!

Just had to +1 this. I'm still happy with my 3 1/2 year old Standard, it's just gotten better with time and is now better than I dared hope for 5 years ago.

I'm also on the list for an Axe-Fx II and I'm fully confident it'll blow my mind even further apart and be worth every penny, no matter if the next version comes six months or six years from now.
To the OP - very well put. The moaning is pretty pathetic. ...
Yeah! Definitly no whining here. Hey, we got another FW update for free. Haven't tested but I'm pretty sure that's another little step to reality (there are only very tiny steps to go imho ...).

So thanks again Cliff. I hope you succeed, make a lot of money and have time to be around here with us and show us your great sense of humor.

Calm down a bit, folks. :roll
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