Getting Band Practice

Dr Git

Jamming with my old band using a AX-8 and I;m terrified....Not so much cause of the AX-8 inadaquacies but because of my own. I'm a set it and forget it guy for the most part. I know I sound great in my bedroom but will it translate with 3 other musicians? Hoping i'm blown away with it. Using whatever PA monitors the 2 studios have. Will I need a 3rd monitor for my own or will the PA be suffice for me to hear. My bass player also uses my old setup to monitor. What do you think guys that have experience
No need to be paranoid. The worst that can happen is that you will have a total disaster and I have done that many times.

As for whether you'll need a third monitor, it depends. If the PA is facing you, then probably not. If you are behind the PA and it is facing forward, then probably so. Just my 0.2.
Jamming with my old band using a AX-8 and I;m terrified....Not so much cause of the AX-8 inadaquacies but because of my own. I'm a set it and forget it guy for the most part. I know I sound great in my bedroom but will it translate with 3 other musicians? Hoping i'm blown away with it. Using whatever PA monitors the 2 studios have. Will I need a 3rd monitor for my own or will the PA be suffice for me to hear. My bass player also uses my old setup to monitor. What do you think guys that have experience

You should get comfortable changing (the amp gain and tone controls, ) drive block gain and level, efx mix amount, overall preset level, and global EQ. These you should be able to get to and change quickly.

Those are the settings I would most likely tweak on new presets that I play live for the first time.

If you don't have much experience playing in a band with modellers, you just need to prepared a little to do some quick minor tweaks.

If it's real informal, I stop playing briefly mid song and make a minor adjustment, then jump back in. If its more structured, I wait for in between songs, make a quick tweak before the next song. It should be faster than tuning.
I would probably go with a third monitor just for you. If this is your first time really using the AX8 in a live band situation and you are use to a traditional amp setup behind you I would get a third monitor and set it up behind you like you would a regular amp. Just till you get comfortable with the new setup. My first gig with the AX8 I used a power amp and 2x12 cab along with my own monitor upfront by the stage facing me along with my signal going through the front stage monitors. That was plenty and I didn't need the power amp and 2x12 cab. These days I run two powered monitors in stereo setup like backline. One behind me and the other next to my bass players rig. That way I still get that traditional amp/cab feel on stage. If it's a small club stage I point the wedges up like a regular monitor but for bigger stages like House of Blues I point them out like 1x12 cabs. Good luck!
Thanks guys, I asked them to put a extra monitor for me and its cool.....I just am trying not to bring my entire rig to NY, i'm psyched, i'll let you know how it worked out .....cheers
Lots of us found ourselves getting lost in the mix the first couple times with Fractal and FRFR. I suggest low cutting your presets below 60 to 80HZ and high cutting, too, to help minimize that. You may also find that what sounds good at bedroom volume is too much at gig volume. If you can check your presets loud against a music track first, that will help a lot. Some of the guys who sell presets -- Fremen, say -- have them set up for gig volume so you may find that useful. Have a good one.
Jamming with my old band using a AX-8 and I;m terrified....Not so much cause of the AX-8 inadaquacies but because of my own. I'm a set it and forget it guy for the most part. I know I sound great in my bedroom but will it translate with 3 other musicians? Hoping i'm blown away with it. Using whatever PA monitors the 2 studios have. Will I need a 3rd monitor for my own or will the PA be suffice for me to hear. My bass player also uses my old setup to monitor. What do you think guys that have experience

I had that same feeling at my first rehearsal with it. Ran direct into their PA and they were blown away from the first chord.

I think you'll probably be ok. :)
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Thanks guys, I asked them to put a extra monitor for me and its cool.....I just am trying not to bring my entire rig to NY, i'm psyched, i'll let you know how it worked out .....cheers
If you're going to travel with this as your only rig, be sure to check your presets at gig level before you do a show.
The nice thing about situations like that is the next time (probably) won't be as bad. Treat it as a learning experience and no matter what happens the outcome will be positive.

It taught me to master bad note recovery techniques. When I am playing with a band and I play a bad note, I quickly shoot a frowning glance at one of the other musicians. The facial expression has to convey a sense of "who did that?" Of course timing is critical. Another recovery technique only works in solos. If I play a nasty note, I repeat I repeat the nasty note several times adding emphasis as needed so as to give the appearance that I intended to play it that way all along.
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