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Fw18... news?

Derailing the thread here, but rock on. I'm only 41 and I already feel like the old fart in most of these forums. Glad to see I still have a lot to look forward too! I hope I'm always grabbing the latest thing 20 years from now and still trying to make music. Thanks.

Ok guys this was post "#208" on page 11 haha I think this has gone far enough. This has been ~7 pages and 115 post of this hahh. I think it warrants its own thread by now.
This is like waiting for your birthday but having dementia and not knowing what day it arrives on.
I'm at home recovering from surgery. Drop or don't drop I'm still going to be rocking out with a version of FW 18 of some sort for a few hours today. I'm currently learning Cheap Sunglasses and Funk #49 so I'm having great fun dialing in tones both appropriate and inappropriate. :)
I at sitting at my desk, in my office ready to stick my fingers down my throat at a moments notice and convince coworkers I really do have the flu and must head home...come on...F5,F5,F5,F5,F5.....
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