Bug? fw 2.17 little problems with None-Axe IA ...

I use three None-Axe IA for different applications

IA10 - eg bypass Null Filter via Ext09 CC#024
IA16 - eg bypass Delay2 via Ext10 CC#025
IA17 - eg Amp1 Trem Depth on/off via Ext11 CC#026

All None-Axe IA: Send w/Prst YES

4 Scenes (Reveal IA 01-04) Reveal IA05 is the Tap/Tuner
Bank-Size 5

All works fine up to 2.16 and in 2.17 now:

If I switch one of these IA to on and use TAP for a new tempo the green light of this IA turn to off after two taps.

The same problem (the green light turn to off) by switching between scenes.

I had to roll back to 2.16 to get it working again flawless.
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