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"Fractal Themed" MFC-Edit 1.5 released - Aug. 1st !!!


MFC-Edit has undergone a great face-lift for this release, with three "themes", including the "Fractal" theme for those who like the look and feel of the great Axe-Edit program from FAS. Here's an example: PRESETS SCREEN. Please visit the MFC-Edit Web Site for more examples.

This release contains a plethora of new features and functionality, included as the direct result of YOUR FEEDBACK and input. In addition to the look and feel, I've added Drag-n-Drop functionality to a number of screens, more Nuggets from the right-click on just about everything and POWER-USER options from right-click popup menus. Now you can do even more than before, more easily than before from almost every screen.

And as always, the upgrade is utterly FREE OF CHARGE for existing MFC-Edit users. Download it and install it now and get the cool new look-n-feel and at least 18 new features! As always, read the release notes to see all the new features. It works with your existing license key.

Thanks to the stellar adoption of the MFC-Edit program by all of you (and some very big "unmentionable" names in the music/entertainment space) MFC-Edit already has a good pipeline of even more powerful features. MFC-Edit is an evolving product, 4 releases in 4 months, and as long as the demand and support is out there the rapid pace of innovation will continue.

Check it out - version 1.5 is awesome - even if I say so myself :)

P.S. You can read the release notes here.
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Looks flipping brilliant. Will check this out this weekend when I am finally back home for FW updates, pedal board building and FAS LINK installments...

Resizable window/full screen would be nice ;)
Yup. It should install on top of the old one. You won't even have to re-enter your license key. Just download it and install it.
Looks Great!

I highly recommend everyone to check out this application! It's well thought out and executed. So much easier than doing the tap dance routines to configure the MFC-101, :encouragement:
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