Fractal Audio Welcomes Adrian Belew to the Fold

great, but his website needs an urgent update...

"Adrian uses Line 6 Gear, Parker Guitars and Pedal Pad Pedal Boards."
Awesome news, another fantastic artist.

I am excited to join the fold as well on Friday.
No Belew Signature Parker for me though unfortunately...
I will have to make do with my Parker Fly Mojo :cool:
That's great! Before I bought an Axe FX, I was using a GSP1101 that I bought off the "bay". When I recieved it I found out it came from Adrian. After I got over the initial appeal of the unit, I realized why he sold it.

The Axe runs circles around the GSP, toys with it for a little while like a Killer Whale does with a seal, and then devowers it!

Welcome Adrian!
FractalAudio said:

One of my personal heroes.

One of mine, too.

Funny I thought about A.B being the perfect FAS artist only 2 days ago. It was only a question of time. :lol:
Hey, a fellow Parker Fly / Axe-FX player.
(I know, a "Nitefly" isn't a "Fly".. but just you wait until my new baby arrives..)

It's a shame that name people have sold out (or genuinely liked) and endorsed almost every single P.O.S. brand and type of gear out there, so the effect of such a list is greatly diminished. What I'd kind of like to see is a list of people who endorsed the Vetta, tried the Axe and what they thought - having gone through, among a great many other things, the tweaking hell of a Vetta II HD myself and having then found the blissful tonewise-contented serenity that is Axe-ownership.
FractalAudio said:
One of my personal heroes.

Enough of YOUR heroes, get mine: Paul Leary of Butthole Surfers

Show him you can get some sweet tones & he'll use it to record a ton of different acts. He's produced some great albums in the last 15 years. Sublime, Toadies, even a track of U2.
fremen said:
Fler said:
See kiddies, everyone agrees this thing is the shiznit.
Absolutely. Cliff have so much edge over his competitors, they should really stay away from him.



Speaking of Edge, that'll be the day that I'll be cheering when HE starts using an Axe-Fx...or 4. Soon, I think. Soon.
Great to see Adrien Belew using the Ax. Can't wait to see what he does with it. I'm sure Robert Fripp is paying close attention and will soon follow. I sat in with his league of crafty guitarists when I was a Berklee student in Boston in the early '80s. Even then he was obsessed with getting a guitar rig in a briefcase. He was sick of paying thousands of dollars every time he had to transport his rig for a tour. Crimson has always been ahead of the curve and so is Fractal Audio. A perfect match!

Congrats Cliff!
Awesome. Really cool to watch this snowball effect from higher up on the hilll looking down.

When's the Fractal IPO and how do I get in on it? :mrgreen:
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