Fractal Audio Stickers?


New Member
I just think it would be a good idea. I don't know if anything has been said already, but are they ever going to make Fractal Audio stickers? Just saying it would be cool to have them..
How would you get them? Given what they want to ship a t-shirt, I can't see folks getting stickers outside of an existing hardware order.
It would be good (and nearly free) advertising to just add one to each MFC or Axe Fx box.
Most people wouldn't even know what it was or what it ment, it would be more of a badge than anything else... Besides word of mouth has always been the best form of advertising.
Personally, I would rather Cliff develop his own version of a Variax.

So you have the Axe-FX.

How about an Axe-GTR?!
How did we go from stickers to Axe-Guitar??

How did we go from stickers to Axe-Guitar??


It's the internet where leaps of subject and logic know no bounds;-)

I just envisioned the evolution of Axe-Gtr which starts with physical modelling and eventually comes to have a guitar matching feature. I just heard Al Dimeola last night use a Roland VG88 (I think) with an acoustic guitar plugged in to get some effects and electric guitar sounds. FA could certainly create better quality sounds than he was getting with that setup. On the other hand, there's no accounting for taste and choices.

I'd sticker up some stuff if I had 'em.
Axe-Guitar? Pfft. Small taters.

Fractal Audio Systems Talent-FX. Bank 1 is Wes Montgomery, Bank2 is Paul Masvidal, Bank 3 is Angus Young, etc.....
ok, this thread isn't 3 pages yet, so it hasn't jumped the shark, but what about a Vocal profiler? Then guys like me who have good pitch but not a good voice could sound like anybody. Pop tarts anyone?
I would still like to see a VST version of the Axe Fx, a stripped down version. Piracy would probably be a issue though.
ok, this thread isn't 3 pages yet, so it hasn't jumped the shark, but what about a Vocal profiler? Then guys like me who have good pitch but not a good voice could sound like anybody. Pop tarts anyone?

I actually like that idea a LOT!! lol I HATE the sound of my own voice, but I have a huge range with spot on pitch. Just the TONE of my voice......UGH!!! :S
I'd seriously buy that in a heartbeat :/
I started a cover band recently, and had a wider range, better control and better pitch than all the singers I auditioned, but I can't get over the sound of my own voice, so I took the best singer I got instead. Sad but true :(
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