For some reason, the sensitivity of the AXE FX III to different guitars really surprised me.

I hear the differences among my guitars in both my real amp/cab and the axe fx III/matrix/cab. I can hear the differences clean and through high gain. My cab is slanted so maybe i'm not losing frequencies to my ankles.
to me this was one of the joys of Fractal.

Every Line 6 product I've owned before the Helix, masked the guitar - it sounded impressive at first but quickly got tiring and I moved them on.

The Helix was better, but needed too many compromises for me.

I'd say enjoy the difference, it's meant to be there - if it's causing an issue:

1. Comp block is really useful for boost and smoothing
2. PEQ
3. Tweak the amp - it's what you'd do in the real world
As a new III user, I can really tell the difference now between my main player, a MIM partscaster with umpteen different mods, and my smoother sounding American Fenders. There’s kind of a harsh edge to the sound that I can’t dial out.

Now I’m thinking about getting a new body for it, since that’s about the only part I haven’t changed out over the years.
Neck makes perhaps a bigger difference ;)

Probably, but the body and output jack are the only original parts left I think. I figured I'd go ahead and get a cool new body since I have an excuse. Time to see if the STRATOsphere has any Robert Cray hardtails, or maybe something decadent and gaudy from Warmoth.

The neck is fairly new and plays pretty well, so I'll have to give it a pass for now.
Sounds like the difference between my Mark IV and V. The IV can handle anything, V is very focused in comparison. Any guitar works with the IV, but with the V I actually have to do a little more tweaking for the part. I have a wandering preference between these two.
Kemper is worse for this... HUGE sonic differences depending on the guitar. Two guitars that sounded great through a real amp... 1 sounded great and the other too dark through a Kemper profile of the same amp.

I find AXE to be more like a real amp... a little more agnostic. But, differences in pickup output seem to be exaggerated with AXE when using onboard effects.
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