FM3 for REAL Jazz

Look at the two posts right before yours, seems like progress. And helpful.
There have been a quite a few attempts to be helpful only to be met with something along the lines of 'those are rock amps and won't work with jazz'. There appears to be a communication barrier or you really need to read between the lines to understand what the OP is saying. It seems that all Greg is trying to do is offer a blueprint to them as to how to proceed if they really want the help and are willing to try different options than what they're used to.
Well, maybe because Vox is quite surely one of the "big three" rock sounds, along with Marshall and Mesa?
You got the point!
The answer is so simple! (and so the question didn't make sense).
Anyone who has played the Voxes and Marshalls knows they are different beasts, under the fingers they play differently.
The same thing imho can be said for the Fenders vs Polytones, but it seems that this thing is not as evident as for the Voxes vs Marshalls.

I think PatrickWD has made a huge contribution to this discussion..And now in my short free time I'll have to neglect my Wes studies to try out the sounds he posted!
Thank you very much !
There have been a quite a few attempts to be helpful only to be met with something along the lines of 'those are rock amps and won't work with jazz'. There appears to be a communication barrier or you really need to read between the lines to understand what the OP is saying. It seems that all Greg is trying to do is offer a blueprint to them as to how to proceed if they really want the help and are willing to try different options than what they're used to.
There have been a quite a few attempts to be helpful only to be met with something along the lines of 'those are rock amps and won't work with jazz'. There appears to be a communication barrier or you really need to read between the lines to understand what the OP is saying. It seems that all Greg is trying to do is offer a blueprint to them as to how to proceed if they really want the help and are willing to try different options than what they're used to.

When you say blueprint, are you referring to the comment about "playing with the knobs?".

This is part of the reason I've jumped in, because I am genuinely interested in helpful answers and discussions on this topic. Regardless of how the OP has asked his question or communicated, it still feels like a genuine gap to me.
If this isn’t a great “Real Jazz Tone” I don’t know if it’s possible for the OP.

Up unto this point FSM gets at least a half dozen nice jazz tones from factory presets. The Dweezil Zappa 65 bassguy can do it.

Go to 12:31 minute mark. It’s Preset #61 (Fox ODS)
If this isn’t a great “Real Jazz Tone” I don’t know if it’s possible for the OP.

Up unto this point FSM gets at least a half dozen nice jazz tones from factory presets. The Dweezil Zappa 65 bassguy can do it.

Go to 12:31 minute mark. It’s Preset #61 (Fox ODS)

And, the real point is, even if that isn't someone's cat's meow, it can be tweaked. The factory presets are not the final destination, they're the boarding point.
When you say blueprint, are you referring to the comment about "playing with the knobs?".

This is part of the reason I've jumped in, because I am genuinely interested in helpful answers and discussions on this topic. Regardless of how the OP has asked his question or communicated, it still feels like a genuine gap to me.
By blueprint, I'm referring to his suggestion of how to interact on the forum in the last paragraph of the post.

There have been some good suggestions offered throughout the thread and can be useful to others so all is not lost. ;)
And, the real point is, even if that isn't someone's cat's meow, it can be tweaked. The factory presets are not the final destination, they're the boarding point.
Exactly. I purposely stayed away from this thread after reading the original proclamation. I decided to read all of it tonight and happened to be listening to the presets demo that FSM has put together and I was like “damn that’s nice”.

I also have been in the Wiki and reading on all particulars of the individual amp models (channels and all). There is an immense amount of choices. Then there’s all the speaker/cab IR’s plus the Amp Block parameters.
Good morning to all users,
I just got my FM3 and I'm ready to work on it to get a jazz guitar sound.

First of all, I want to apologize if this is not the right part of the Forum, I posted here and in the Presets sections, in case tell me where is better to post it and feel free as Administrators to delete/move to right place, thank you in advance :)

So far, I checked all ampli but I cant find any jazz oriented amplifier. I want to start a topic about jazz guitar, firstly as a 'cry of pain' for the disappointment about lack of jazz amps, then to know (if possible) what's the technical issue (if any) to model amps for this musical genre, and then to start a positive, propositive way to share real solutions and solve this issue.

How do you guys get a good jazz sound out of it?
Why tthere's NO ONE popular jazz amp modelled in this unit (and in all other modelling units, for that matter)? Don't tell me bc of lack of users, I see modelled amps that 99% of people have no idea they could even be existed dozens years ago and they are unfindable on the market and maybe played just ONCE by a (not so) famous guitaritsts, still they are perfectly modelled and loaded in the FM3. What happens with jazz amps? What's the issue to model a simple, popular and vastly used amp as a Polytone or an Henriksen (that would be enough, btw)?

1. NO Roland Jazz Chorus: despite the name, it's a strange amp with big clean headroom, yet it's commonly NOT used for jazz just bc it DOES NOT has a typical jazz sound
2. FENDERs: you can force some of them to simulate a sort jazz sound, but they're not intended primary for jazz, that valve attack sound and small headroom are not good for classic jazz (of course EVERYBODY KNOWS they were used ALSO for jazz in the '50, '60, such as unknown amps or direct in the board like Joe Pass, still that's not what an average nowadays jazz player would to look for). It seems that Fenders are the preferred jazz amps to give to a jazz guitarists by rehearsals studios managers because they dont have specific amps for jazz, you find yourself playing jazz chords with a 'funky' attack and when you complain they answer 'everybody play jazz with fenders' that is totally false, they're not the first choice for any guitarists that play jazz, maybe for those that play 'also' some jazz. Personally, I use to struggle 1hr on tone controls and all, why other band members swear at me :)), but can get a barely usable jazz tone out of them like once in 12 times.
3. using only PEQ maybe with a clean preamp, is NOT the answer: I dont need 1400 euros fractal device for that, I want to use the capability of this device and go stright into the board with a jazz sound, FM3 is meant for that right? I didnt buy it as an FX unit to add to a real amp or cab.
4. PLEASE avoid answers like: 'any amp played clean', 'Mike Stern uses fender guitars, chorus, dist, go for that', 'depends what you mean for jazz, many players I know they play fender/Bogner/younameit with distortion' eìtc etc. I mean, I'm not into rock and for me any amp crancked up indistortion is good for that music, but I know rock people can recognize so subtle differences in distortions that they need tons of different amps, that for me are exactly the same, to get what they need. Please respect that other musical genres are as much as picky in their own pitch. Effective jazz sound is not 'any clean amp or no amp with trebles rolled off' and is the exact inverse of a contemporary Fender amp, where you have a hole in the mids and overwhelming basses and trebles with a sparkling edgy 'crunchy' valve attack, instead we need prominence of good sweet mids, with rounded high and bass, yet a good 'umph' in the attack without sparkles or any crunchy 'edge'.
5. So far, I am aware of the high level of FM3, both amp and fx wise, and the quality sound it produces, so please avoid to answee just to tell that FM3 is great, we already know that and I have NO DOUBTS about it :)

Thank you to all and hope this can become an interesting discussion.
My friend always says to me... You need to learn the technology... so Ive tried... (this is a long drawn out story between us) in short and not to be disrespectful, the FM3 is able to produce great tones, and having worked through owning a AX8, a FM3, a FM9 and FM9T i think my suggestion is you'll need to experiment. pick an amp and cabinet you know the sound of and drill down on the settings. i.e. input, drive, tone ect. if your expecting out of the box perfection then check out all of the great presets from the factory. IMO you should not regret owing a FM3 regardless of music you play, though some effort is in necessary to get desired tone.
Anyone who has played the Voxes and Marshalls knows they are different beasts, under the fingers they play differently.
To me nothing beats Wrecks for legato playing. These amps just play themselves, don't know why. Didn't get same feeling with the same biting attack from any Marshalls.
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I just made a very quick attempt with tone match (axe FX II ) yesterday. I am not at all a specialist of such tone match procedure.

I picked the beginning of Wes Montgomery "I've grown accustomed to her face" as a reference sound .

Then I plugged my Ibanez AF125 into Axe FX II. Preset with Bogner shiva + IR doubleverb.
Played some notes with the thumb , chords (not even the same as played by Wes Montgomery ; it doesn't matters)

Tone match.
The result sounds to me pretty similar to the record . I can not say if exactly the same, but very close in my opinion.
I wish I would be able to play along the track, which is not the case, but I am sure It would be enjoyable.

I will not put here recording or so. It would be no sense . It was just a very quick attempt for my own curiosity.
This is a fact . I am convinced that the Axe FX II (with the right guitar) + a nice clean and logical preset + tone match can reproduce pretty quickly the base sound of about any well known jazz player. (of course with about the right guitar, flatwound or not, about same model of amp as the original player, etc... ; all depends on the precision of the awaited result)

I am pretty convinced that it is also possible to replicate it without tone match, but it makes the process easier (you get the right IR almost instantly)

Sorry if I'm rehashing anything that's already been brought up. I've been intentionally avoiding this thread. This video popped up in my YT feed and I actually watched the whole thing (which is rare). Pretty sure this guy is into REAL ;) jazz. This guy went from an Ultra to an AX8 then to an FM3!

Sorry if I'm rehashing anything that's already been brought up. I've been intentionally avoiding this thread. This video popped up in my YT feed and I actually watched the whole thing (which is rare). Pretty sure this guy is into REAL ;) jazz. This guy went from an Ultra to an AX8 then to an FM3!

Really good video, well thought out and executed. Another example of someone accepting the possibility of modeling as a solution, then exploring it to see if it could work for him. Using whatever method provides the results he wants.
Sorry if I'm rehashing anything that's already been brought up. I've been intentionally avoiding this thread. This video popped up in my YT feed and I actually watched the whole thing (which is rare). Pretty sure this guy is into REAL ;) jazz. This guy went from an Ultra to an AX8 then to an FM3!

Love it!! Perfect summation.
Sorry if I'm rehashing anything that's already been brought up. I've been intentionally avoiding this thread. This video popped up in my YT feed and I actually watched the whole thing (which is rare). Pretty sure this guy is into REAL ;) jazz. This guy went from an Ultra to an AX8 then to an FM3!

Much of what Jens says in that video is the same reason i started using fractal. While i loved my jazz tone using a Morgan pr12 tube amp live, the audience wouldn't hear the same tone as me when the amp was miced up with a 57 and sendt through a the PA.
I don't understand why this thread (and the others) are still going, or how they ever got beyond page 1. By the third post or so it was abundantly clear that the OP wants an AMP MODEL of something like a Henriksen, and only that.

Here's the summary:

"I'd like to see some Polytones and Henriksens in here"

"Fractal doesn't offer those amp models at this time. There are however many ways to get similar tones if you're interested in that."

"I'm not."

I took the hint only because I noticed that the thread title focused some on the meaning of "REAL Jazz" and not on the problem posed by the OP.

Sure other amps are capable of reproducing the tone the OP has in mind, but a title should summarize the topic and give as clear an idea as possible of what you want to discuss.
It wouldn't be convenient to put a list of 4-5 amps in the title, don't you think?

Personally I love Fender amps, my first serious amp was a Fender 75 amp that I took apart, repaired, customized and still have.
What little I know about electronics I owe to this amp and its factory defects (it burned the speakers and no one understood why).

I also had a Twin that Kenny Burrell played on when he came to Genoa in concert.
I've never owned a Polytone but in 46 years (of playing) I've played a few (obviously).

Well: Fenders and Polytones sound different: different in note attack, transient response, basic EQ, they are different beasts.

You may prefer one or the other, but pretending to get the sound of one from the other is tiring to say the least.

Why go after the distorted sound of the Vox when you already have a fantastic distorted sound with a Marshall?
If you move the question to the "rock" world, you realize that it doesn't make sense.

Finally: it is clear that those who turn to a device like the FM3 do not need just one sound, but would like to exploit its potential in different styles and with different guitars.

Frankly, since this is a guitar tone focused forum, I guessed it was obvious that I was talking about the Tone and not the Music.

I dont know how to change the Title to 'FM3 for classic jazz sound (clips inside): Polytone, Henriksen and jazz focused amps (no fender or jazz120)'
I don't understand why this thread (and the others) are still going, or how they ever got beyond page 1. By the third post or so it was abundantly clear that the OP wants an AMP MODEL of something like a Henriksen, and only that.

Here's the summary:

"I'd like to see some Polytones and Henriksens in here"

"Fractal doesn't offer those amp models at this time. There are however many ways to get similar tones if you're interested in that."

"I'm not."

I have tried to make a quick preset here to show a few possible jazz sounds on the Fm3.
This is the first time i share a preset, so i'm not shure if i did the sharing process right.

This is not meant to work as an actual preset, but as a way of showing a few various options for jazz on the Fm3.

Scene 1: Ampless. This is my try for creating something more like a solid state jazz amp. Compressor, Geq, Reverb, 1x10 princeton cab
Scene 2: Cleaned up princeton. This is a princeton i have done what i can to reduce distortion on. I increased the variac voltage, lowered suply sag, lowered gain and input trim. I also did a slight cut in input eq on 2.8 khz.
Scene 3: Princeton. This is how i like it. Since i use Ownhammer irs i couldn't get the exact sound i use, but close with a factory cab.
Scene 4: 5f8 tweed. This amp has very warm mids. I lowered gain and input trim to get it cleaner.
Scene 5: ODS. Cleaned up both the preamp and poweramp gain to get it clean.

Since all guitars and setups are different, it will probably take some adjustement for your setup. But i think this can be a good starting point.
I used my Heritage 535 guitar and a Red Sound Elis8 FRFR to dial in these.

Thank you!
cant wait to try!

Probably, modify inner parameters is the way to go to 'force' a valve amp to behave like an SS; it's out of my knowledge top tweak electric circuits, so it's so important to me to get (and understand) your work on this.
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