FM3 Firmware Version 2.00 Public Beta 1

Looks like the 2.00 release thread got nuked? Was 2.00 pulled?
The FM3 firmware 2.0 release thread was accidentally deleted during routine maintenance by one of the other moderators. This was a mistake and there is NO problem with the 2.0 release. Here are the links below. We apologize for the inconvenience if you had a conversation going about this release.

We have not lost any of the information from your valuable feedback. Please continue discussing FM3 firmware 2.0.

Direct Download:

Release Thread:
Do you have modifiers on parameters in your amp block?
Yup. I'm gonna try to rebuild my preset without the amp modifiers and see if I can get some stability.

Fair enough. This is a bug and we are working to address it in the next release. Please feel free to send me the preset and we will verify before the next release.

Much appreciated. As mentioned above, I'll go ahead and give 2.00 another run and see if I can work around my issues for the time being.
Brian, I know this is a different topic, but I saw a post about you tele and ghost saddles. Doing the same and I have an issue. Would like your thoughts. Thanks
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