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Firmware Version 10.10 Now Available

Fantastic!!!!! :) :)

Not sure what words of praise to use, but Cliff & FAS sure deserve them all :)

Wow! Great!
The release notes are impressive.. can't wait to install it!
Thanks a lot.
I remember when I had my first kid I found myself working more just to get some rest :)

You da man Cliff! Thank you and your team.
Just in time for the long weekend ahead. Looking forward to spending time with the TripTik Clean.

Thanks FAS crew.
damn.... not another firmware update....not again.....
Damn..... more extra amps.....
Of we go.....
Makin' the FW 10.10 amp bank....:eagerness:
Thanks Cliff!!!!
You're the best!!!!
It's not a DAR model. It's a custom model based on input from Fredrik.
Weird, with his sense of humor he didn't name the amp anything wacky like "future bread machine." Or maybe he did, I haven't tried the model yet but I will after work. Is this going to be a regular thing? That definitely opens up a lot of possibilities... you guys should definitely chat up Mr. Abasi and see what kind of model he can come up with.

Thank you guys so much for this update. I just saw a thread complaining about wah/reverb. THAT is some serious customer service.
Cool. Thanks for putting in the clean channel! Love to see the clean channel modeled when it's available.

All these new amps that have been added makes me curious about what lies ahead - but that's a terrible can of worms to open LOL

I haven't even finished futzing with the Komet yet and already new models. What a wonderful device. Just outstanding value and enjoyment. Thanks!
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