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Firmware release dates & axe edit version


Fractal Fanatic
I know I can get all previous firmware from the archive, problem is it doesn't show the date it was released, only the FW number, nor which axe edit version I need to work with that FW's presets.... or at least not that I could see clearly.

Is there a list somewhere showing this or am I just missing it?
To my knowledge in the 10+yrs I've been associated w/ FAS products... I have not known that to be [formally] published anywhere.
If anyone has it, it might be on the wiki, or @yek perhaps?? idk
One way would be to search the forum for posts with FractalAudio as author and "firmware" in the Title field ("search title only"). Make sure to show the results as "threads".
Thanks YEK, yes this is what I ended up doing.

@FreeMind the date matters because it allows me more easily find the corresponding axe edit release
Can you not use the latest version of Axe Edit with an older firmware? Genuinely curious. I know I've been able to in the past.
Can you not use the latest version of Axe Edit with an older firmware? Genuinely curious. I know I've been able to in the past.
I'm not entirely sure, I'll make a post in axe edit forum and find out.


EDIT ___________________________________________________________
and I did just that, and the answer was already in the release notes, as axe edit states a minimum FW version.

I guess I'll just have to read through release notes to find my answer.

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