Fender FR-12 preamp mod : The Hissterectomy

So I’ve been trying the stereo thing and I love it, but I fiddle with the we knobs so much depending on how tired my ears are, that I have to do it twice and check to see if everything matches left and right. It’s exhausting

Probably was better with only one. How do you guys with stereo setups handle that?
It reveals any difference in a dual amp setup. If my preset leveling is off even a tiny bit ... stereo FRs reveal and magnify that a lot
I don’ like stereo per se, I like a Wet-dry setup. However stereo it’s nice but don’t find it interesting enough. A little mix of wet dry sounds more appealing. Saying that, I only have one FR10 and my plans to buy a second are mid term
Its Friday and here is some AI "creativity":

Once upon a time in Hissville so dim,
Lived WKSmith with a plan so trim.
To eliminate Hiss, that pesky critter,
With gadgets so zribble and gadgets so fritter.

With a zib-zab-zoop and a bing-bang-boom,
WKSmith prepared to clean the gloom.
He crafted a Whizmozzle-matic zapper,
To zap away Hiss, that slippery snapper.

Through valleys of Zabble and mountains of Crong,
WKSmith marched, singing a Prong-a-Long song.
He found Hiss lounging by a Zobbleberry tree,
And zapped him away with glee and glee.

The town of Hissville cheered and hollered,
As WKSmith's gadget triumphed and conquered.
No more Hiss to hiss and fuss,
Thanks to WKSmith and his Whizmozzle-matic bus!

And so ends our tale of zib and zab,
WKSmith, the hero with a quirky dab.
In a land of chuckle and snicker fit,
WKSmith and his gadgets, a perfect zib-zab-zit!

Great weekend for all.

(AI generated, in the style of Dr Seuss using "WKSmith eliminate Hiss" https://lowtech.ai/jack/dr-seuss-poems).
Sounds a bit like Lewis Carroll to me.
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