FC12 MKII - Screen going bad or something else?


My FC12 MKII is only 1.5 years old and home use only. I have parts of the main screen at the very top where it won’t show dark anymore for the letters in the presets names.

Is my screen just going bad? Bad connection somewhere? I realize there’s settings to control the contrast but the problem is various vertical strips across this screen basically don’t “light up” anymore almost like dead pixels on a tv screen.

I guess I should have bought that 3 year warranty 😢

@Admin M@


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Sharing that information in the OP would have been a good idea...
It was a pretty generic answer. I was hoping to try any troublshooting first. The suggestion to look for loose cables might be worth a check. I know that happens on the Axe FX III sometimes.
It was a pretty generic answer. I was hoping to try any troublshooting first. The suggestion to look for loose cables might be worth a check. I know that happens on the Axe FX III sometimes.
Support is usually pretty good.

If they have already given an answer (repair) without suggesting any troubleshooting that seems either a) high confidence in the issue or b) laziness...

They don't tend towards the latter.

Checking the cables shouldn't take too much work. Hopefully that's all it is.
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