different cables / wireless comparison


Power User
After a recent discussion on the fractal audio forum about different cables and wireless jacks, here's a quick comparison clip. Same guitar (strat), same preset (axe fx 2290 delay into ac30tb model), same part (u2 i still haven't found what i'm looking for).
The only variable is the cable: first bit is a 8m mogami gold (the cable I used to make the patch), second bit at 00:19 is a 6m mogami platinum, 3rd bit at 00:37 is a 8m custom cable local company linfaudio built for me (going for a tone between the gold and platinum), and last bit at 00:57 is the sure glxd6 wireless (connected to the axe fx with the mogami gold).
As you can hear, the gold is somewhat smoother, the platinum is much brighter, the linfaudio is somewhere in between the first 2, and the wireless is weaker in the mids and dirtier in the top - even though I used the darkest cable of the 3.

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