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Dad Jokes

Why do medicine men wave their fingers ceremoniously in the air above the campfire?
Once Old Paint is gone, it takes a miracle to bring it back.

My boss was kind to me this week, he said "What would it take to induce you to consider working next Friday?”
I said, “Castor oil.”
“That’s not what I meant.”
“The robust kind,” I said.
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What happens when you spend a small part of the afternoon scrubbing your tub, and discover the drain is plugged? You pour Coca-Cola down the drain. Right. Except now, my bedroom floor has water seepage from a cracked pipe in the wall between the tub and the bedroom.

Plumber will visit bright and early Monday morning 9:15 AM. The apartment handyman will also need to visit and repair the overhead exhaust fan which is rattling and making a racket. Hope they complete this work in a day or 2, my hair needs washing. I was going to sit and read Field & Stream with a cuppa tea, but people don't think kindly when you do things differently too often...
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