Dad Jokes

Dunno. I'm not a fan of night driving either.

I used to love to drive at night but now my eyes don’t like at all. That’s one thing about the big cities I don’t like went to see Joe Bonamassa. In Atlanta I hated driving back I had to put my glasses on.
Florida is the only state in the union where zombie-like face eating is a legitimate concern, and where a category-four hurricane is considered a mild weather condition. 😆
I used to love to drive at night but now my eyes don’t like at all. That’s one thing about the big cities I don’t like went to see Joe Bonamassa. In Atlanta I hated driving back I had to put my glasses on.
At least you've got plenty of vitamin A where you are. I need all the vitamins and minerals I can get without a prescription or mail-order. FTR, it's safer when the line at the pharmacy doesn't move for 1 minute at a time than not at all. We can cover just about handle most anything except an unruly mob of college students (we sell out of Goldfish quick during March Madness). I just wish I had fewer wrinkles and better eyesight, much like you, Fred.
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I know what you’re saying there is a lot of gray sky at least I remember that about Michigan. Love it when it’s a beautiful day up there but I also like to ride my Harley my friends outside of Detroit are still waiting for the street to be clean & free from all the salt.
I know what you’re saying there is a lot of gray sky at least I remember that about Michigan. Love it when it’s a beautiful day up there but I also like to ride my Harley my friends outside of Detroit are still waiting for the street to be clean & free from all the salt.
If you speaking about the iron mills, nope, not in CT. I just realized that my local buddy was rightfully indignant when he had "an issue" last week. Now, what with the stuffy nose, it's "my issue." Darned karma. Enjoy the bike soon, Fred. (As a side note, if perhaps you can suggest a local shop that sells sel de mer (fine sea salt), please let me know. Am expanding my culinary skills but trying to avoid the potluck dinners involved.)
Have a safe trip Cole hope it’s for fun and not work. :)
Hey Fred! We're back from taking the family to Costa Rica. It was a great trip. The wife and I have been but wanted to take our kids. It was a great time but, as always, it's good to be home. Hope you are well and I'll hit you with some jokes later on.
Welcome back Cole glad you all had a great vacation, a cruise sounds glorious it’s been a while for us but it’s always a blast.
I’m sure the kids had to have a great time so much to see and the food yum. Fun sun and sand nice. Doing good here the new cabinets are going in right now.
Talk to ya later…
Welcome back Cole glad you all had a great vacation, a cruise sounds glorious it’s been a while for us but it’s always a blast.
I’m sure the kids had to have a great time so much to see and the food yum. Fun sun and sand nice. Doing good here the new cabinets are going in right now.
Talk to ya later…
Never been on a cruise. I like the coast (Pacific side) of CR; it's like Florida but w/o the humidity! We stayed on a black sand beach (volcanic rock); it felt like velvet to walk on.
Never been on a cruise. I like the coast (Pacific side) of CR; it's like Florida but w/o the humidity! We stayed on a black sand beach (volcanic rock); it felt like velvet to walk on.

Sweet that sounds awesome glad you and the family enjoyed your trip. So nice to not really have to do anything for a while.
Sweet that sounds awesome glad you and the family enjoyed your trip. So nice to not really have to do anything for a while.
Oh we did plenty for the first half of the trip. We spent that in the central region and did lots of hiking, lots of awesome sights. The beach was to unwind before coming home.

Q: What do you call a snake that's good at math?

A: An adder.
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