Cutting through a very loud gig (Axe->VHT2502->Bogner412)


I just cut some vids of last night and although the sound quality is really sub par, you can hear the Axe cut through very well (I'm the guy on the right). Beware that I am running just one side of my poweramp, so 50W, whereas the other guy plays a 120W Ueberschall:

Models used were mainly the Recto Orange for all rhythms, the Euro2 for crunch/delay stuff and the Ueber for leads.

1. Here you can very well hear my small lead part at 3:04, whereas Bernie's Solo at 2.48 gets lost a bit (he plays a stock Ibanez)

2. Here it's mainly the intro arpeggio of mine at 0:15 that is distinguishable

3. Here you can check the small arpeggio starting with Bernie at 0:58 and me coming in at 1:04. VHIIs are giving those important upper mids. Also at 3:11 I play an octave chord part that cuts through very nicely, although there's tons of delay in it.
Your axe sounds great there! The Ueberschall is buried in the mix.

Also, I dig the songs!
Great stuff Hunter. The AxeFx really shines through! Sounds like a killer band and I'm digging the tunes (and your playing :) ) bigtime. More please!

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