Clean Tones losing Warmth


Hi everyone, how are you guys doing?
So I bought an axe fx II an year ago, and I absolutely love it for all the options it gives me and overall sound quality. However most gigs I have are Jazz ones, and although I love to throw five hundred reverbs, choruses and delays I feel like I can't get my main clean tone right. I always find myself in layout with an amp and cab trying to figure it out but I don't seem to do it right. The thing is it always feels like there is some kind of distortion, or when there isn't, it feels like the tone has no harmonic content or warmth. And with the axe being the powerful tool it is, I can't help to thing I'm doing everything wrong lol.
I find hard to balance the Input trim/ input drive/ master volume/ master trim/ level kinda thing, are there like standard values for it? I've researched about the functions of each, but I still find it hard have them working together.
Can anyone help me figure out how I can understand these things so I can get my tone right?
Thank You So Much!

PS: please forgive me if I posted this in the wrong topic, I didn't know where it'd fall into
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