CC messages needed..Scene 1/2 toggle


I just reset my MFC and now I can't remember how it was setup. I'm trying to use the editor to save my settings. How do I setup the Scene 1/2 IA switch? I already have the function set for IA switch#3, but I need the CC value. I can't find this anywhere and the function is only working with the 'reveal' option is chosen.
Choosing an Axe-FX function (as opposed to NONE) requires no further manual setup for that IA. The general-use parameters have no effect in this case. (If you want to know anyway, the function sends CC#034 value 0/1.)

What is your BANK SIZE set to? If it's 3 or greater, you'd have to use reveal to access IA#3. Without using reveal, switch 3 would select a preset, assuming first preset switch = 1.

Also do this as recommended by the release notes, if you haven't already since the most recent MFC update:

For example, if you want BANK SIZE 5, please change to “4” and then back to “5.”
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You don't use a MIDI CC to assign a switch on the MFC to Scene 1/2. You assign the switch directly to that function.
You don't use a MIDI CC to assign a switch on the MFC to Scene 1/2. You assign the switch directly to that function.

Thanks guys...I figured it out. I had bank set to '2'..but for some reason it was giving me 3 on my board. I'm assuming it's due to the offset option. The 3rd preset was overriding my scene I took the bank down to '1' and now my 3rd switch is operating the scene 1/2.
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