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After hearing the new Meris "LVX" pedal, and thikning of my strymon Volante (by the way, immediately after seeing the lvx videos I went to my Fractal, opened multitap block, megatap, and it BLEW the meris demo away.

This being said what is cool is the "tape effects" that a lot of pedals do, wondering if fractal would ever make something like that, cassete block, analog damage block, tape block. (Pretty sure it already exists, and even if it doesnt, that the controls are ther to make it exist---this I am sure, with the modifiers....).
There are a ton of possibilities with the existing capabilities. Not certain of what you are looking for, but have you checked out the Warped Vinyl preset? I know that's probably not what you want, but perhaps it exhibits the ability to get what you want? It definitely has that "damaged" thing going.
I thought the Meris LVX demos sounded outstanding. Ordered one immediately. The one issue I have with my Axe FX is that I can’t really flip through a bunch of dialed-in delay/effect presets to mess around and get inspired.
I thought the Meris LVX demos sounded outstanding. Ordered one immediately. The one issue I have with my Axe FX is that I can’t really flip through a bunch of dialed-in delay/effect presets to mess around and get inspired.
There are a number of factory presets using different delay types including tape delays. Read the Delay Block Wiki page, especially the True Tape Echo section, and/or search the Factory Presets page in the Wiki for "delay".

Also, @simeon has a bunch of great delay presets and blocks you can look through. His target the FX3 but I'm sure we can find ways to coerce some of them to fit the FM3.
Pretty sure there’s an FM emulator block somewhere in the system (based on me kinda remembering a preset in the Axe FX 2?). Look at that. Might be you can use that and tweak it to taste. What effect are you looking for other than cassette tape hiss?
There are a number of factory presets using different delay types including tape delays. Read the Delay Block Wiki page, especially the True Tape Echo section, and/or search the Factory Presets page in the Wiki for "delay".

Also, @simeon has a bunch of great delay presets and blocks you can look through. His target the FX3 but I'm sure we can find ways to coerce some of them to fit the FM3.
Great reminder. I keep forgetting to download Simeon's blocks that he's graciously made available. Finally did this today. Key to having quick effects blocks dialed in for inspiration is to have a blocks library ready to go.

I will say though, that pedal is sexy looking.
Wow, that is an expensive pedal. For just a few hundred more you can get a whole FM3 that will run circles around it.
Yeah personally I think the pedal is embarassing, you are paying for? the UI???? Which I find silly tbh.

I work in pharma it looks like a pharma powerpoint.

There is only one demo I like it, and in that demo the kid makes it sound "like a cassette." Heavy modulation etc. Like I said when I first saw the pdal, I went downstairs and turned on Megatap, which I had been meaning to look aat again lately, and immeidately it blew away anything i have ever heard. Its really hard to believe how powerful the fratal is, and then you can control EVERY SINGLE PARAMETER, with an INTUITIVE WORD AND NUMBER in a LINE. Instead of some silly "powerpoint pdf" looking thing.

I cant even believe people use things as powerful as the FM9, AXEFX3Ultra etc....
Wow, that is an expensive pedal. For just a few hundred more you can get a whole FM3 that will run circles around it.
I get the sense that company is going out of business. Just my sense. Looks like desperation to me. Trying to be the microcosm hologram crossed with the BS of apple. Im good on that.

Edit: in case you dont know even the logo they changed to look like hologram, very weird.
This is the demo where it sounds good. Otherwise, other than this demo- feature set, everything, to me is not enticing at all.

Price is just a joke but some will pay it I guess. Thanks to Automatone pedals I guess...

“Run circles around it” in what sense? Perhaps not the way in which it matters most.
Um... the FM3 is an absolute beast of a utitlity, and a platform. This thing above is the same as a strymong timeline with a goofy interface, same parameters, same everything. Oh theres a cassette sound in it. Do you own an FM3?
I kind of want to delete this thread to not get off topic, maybe tomorrow/ tonight.

I think the idea was a block on fractal which is like "tape, cassete, fm, etc" but its ridiculous since its DOABLE in other easy and ingenious ways

Theres not a sound I hear out of the above pedal that i havent or couldnt hear from the Fractal within minutes....
Cool looking pedal. Most of the options like modulation, panning, eq and bit reduction already exist in the FM3 delay block, and the Multitap/Plex cover options such as diffusion, chorus, comb filtering and more. You can also roll your own using send/return blocks & your favourite fx.

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Wow, that is an expensive pedal. For just a few hundred more you can get a whole FM3 that will run circles around it.
Despite owning a FM3 and an Axe-Fx 3 I still use some pedals like a Strymon Volante and Nightsky because there is no equivalent to having intuitive experimenting with real dedicated controls. Fractal has the sound quality and more in spades but it doesn't do the experimentation aspect in the same way as great pedals do. So I can totally see people buying an expensive pedal like this if it sounds and operates in a manner that they find works for them.

I haven't looked into the LVX demos yet so I don't know how it does in this regard. The LVX seems more menu driven than many pedals so whether that is fast and intuitive is going to be a big factor. The common complaint I read about modelers is that because they are so heavily menu-driven they are a bit of a chore to work with and I totally agree with that. That's why I use Axe-Edit 99% of the time with Fractal even though I really, really would like to be able to use e.g a MIDI knob controller in tandem with it but because the support is lacking it doesn't work for me. Mouse to move around virtual knobs is just not even in the same realm and the front panel does not really deliver for this type of playing around.
Despite owning a FM3 and an Axe-Fx 3 I still use some pedals like a Strymon Volante and Nightsky because there is no equivalent to having intuitive experimenting with real dedicated controls. Fractal has the sound quality and more in spades but it doesn't do the experimentation aspect in the same way as great pedals do. So I can totally see people buying an expensive pedal like this if it sounds and operates in a manner that they find works for them.

I haven't looked into the LVX demos yet so I don't know how it does in this regard. The LVX seems more menu driven than many pedals so whether that is fast and intuitive is going to be a big factor. The common complaint I read about modelers is that because they are so heavily menu-driven they are a bit of a chore to work with and I totally agree with that. That's why I use Axe-Edit 99% of the time with Fractal even though I really, really would like to be able to use e.g a MIDI knob controller in tandem with it but because the support is lacking it doesn't work for me. Mouse to move around virtual knobs is just not even in the same realm and the front panel does not really deliver for this type of playing around.

Bingo. “Fractal can do that!” Well, not if it takes four hours and menu deep dives and knowing advanced parameters. Talk about killing creative flow. This is why certain pedals are still appealing.
Um... the FM3 is an absolute beast of a utitlity, and a platform. This thing above is the same as a strymong timeline with a goofy interface, same parameters, same everything. Oh theres a cassette sound in it. Do you own an FM3?

I previously owned FM3, now I have AX3. And there’s a reason Strymon has sold so many pedals.
IMO, the number of available block "presets" in the Axe is not commensurate with the depth of the available sounds.

Consider any modern pedal that may have 128+ presets. In some cases, that is reflected by 2-4 "types" for a block.

I think this is a missed ease-of-use and instant gratification opportunity.

I've slowly built up a block library, but it's been tedious and I don't feel I've gotten everything out of the unit I can.

Am I happy, yes! Have I been able to achieve everything I've imagined? Yes! Have I been inspired with a boatload of presets to audition? No!
IMO, the number of available block "presets" in the Axe is not commensurate with the depth of the available sounds.

Consider any modern pedal that may have 128+ presets. In some cases, that is reflected by 2-4 "types" for a block.

I think this is a missed ease-of-use and instant gratification opportunity.

I've slowly built up a block library, but it's been tedious and I don't feel I've gotten everything out of the unit I can.

Am I happy, yes! Have I been able to achieve everything I've imagined? Yes! Have I been inspired with a boatload of presets to audition? No!
I think Fractal has improved this aspect by offering more preset options and for me it has taken some blocks from "never use it because it's complicated to figure out" to "this is cool, with small tweaks I can get things I like". Fractal does have a bit of a problem sometimes where discerning which are the most important parameters can be difficult if you are not familiar with each effect.

Most MIDI-controllable pedals have an excess amount of possible presets and most of those are not populated with factory presets. My Strymons are capable of 300 each. They came with 8-16 factory presets. I use 8 on the Volante, a few more on the Nightsky and a mere four on the Riverside. Unless you want to save every variation that sounds cool it quickly becomes a management issue when you don't have proper ways to discern between what preset does what since the ones I have don't have displays or software editors.
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