carol ann od-2 in Q2 is pretty alright!

Amazing - a huge fat metall song played with a Dumble kind of amp ;)

Not my kind of music. But that's an OD-2??? o_O
haha yep! with a tube screamer as a boost in front. I had seen a lot of comments on how people had really liked these amps and I don't know that I had ever tried them before, so I started tweaking it and it was ok at first and then I turned the mid control up and a bunch of gain showed up and then it was alright! I ended up cutting more mids out after the fact but yeah, I didn't have to do a lot of tweaking with this one.


I need you to PM me a bounce of that song, I can listen to it for ever. This is gnarly
i'll let you know when I make a final finished version!

Apparently, the Carol Ann OD-2 does djent! wow.
this is pure straightforward death metal my friend, we don't use that other d-word around here haha
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