Can i use the TC G-System MIDI Controller with the Axe?

El Guru

Hi people. This is my first time here, so excuse me if i have to present myself first. :oops: I´m Álvaro ("Guru"), from Spain ;)

I own both Fractal Axe FX Ultra and the TC Electronics G-System, and before buying another MIDI controler i want to know if it´s possible to connect them and use them at the same time, or at least to use the midi controler of the G-system with the Axe, becouse i love it. :cool: I´ve been searching in some forums but i still haven´t found a solution.

Anyway, thx for your help.

Yes that is no problem at all, use the mapping in the g to control the presets.
assign the buttons to midi cc and let the axe learn the cc,s wich you want coverd with wich button.

offcourse since the g communicates 1 direction you have to make all presets also in the g..
ok. Thanks. I have no problem with that method, even if i have to learn both manuals... :roll: :)

Thank you for your help. :cool:

Patch changing and CC (stompbox) are no problem. I also used my G system to control my AFX before getting the Gordius LG2. The only thing is any expression pedals parameters will have to be controlled by the AFX, not the Gsys as the Gsys doesnt forward those Midi messages. Also AFX tuner wont link to the AFX. Good luck!
Thx again for your answers. :cool:

I´m trying to use both CC and PC signals, but it´s been hard for me (first time mapping MIDI).

I´m gonna try using both editors to do it faster... :roll:

Best regards.
Hi all could this be done the other way round the axe controlling the G
I think you've maybe set a record for the longest Necro bump on the forum... 13.5 years!

I'm sure it is possible assuming the G System is midi controllable... But there's 3 generations of Axe Fx you could be asking about from when this thread was last updated ;)
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