AxePad - iPad controller for Axe-FX is launched!

Does USB connection increase CPU usage like it does with AxeEdit?

I believe it does a little bit - something around 5%, similar to what Axe-Edit does. But as we are sending only MIDI signals and doing Audio transfer via the USB port, it shouldn't stress the Axe-FX's processor too much...
I don't think that's quite true. My understanding is that only a percentage of iPad 2 users are experiencing difficulties. Unfortunately, I am among them, and I am trying to be patient while Apple clears the update for release.

Thanks waitforme <- very apt username given the current delays in getting the app :)

I checked our App Store developer portal this morning, and the 1.1 release status is still 'waiting for approval'. Given that 1.0 took 8 days to approve, I am thinking that we might see the patch hit the store around Wednesday or Thursday.

Apologies, but this is totally out of my hands... :(
Hey cyber. Any update as to 1.1 availability? I want to play with that till 6.0 is released haha.

Hey redburst - Well, 1.01, which is the patch fix for the crashing issue on iPad2's is STILL in the 'Awaiting Approval' queue at Apple. 8 days now... Grrr ! I am really hoping they will approve and release it in the next couple of days.

I am working on 1.1, which has some changes to the interface etc. as per popular requests, including a tap tempo etc. I am hoping to submit that in a week or so, which will trigger off another week long approval process! ;)

But perhaps by then, Firmware 6.0 will have hit the ground, and everyone will lose interest in AxePad... :D
yea, I haven't seen the update either :/ that sucks man! knowing that you've addressed the issues but have to wait so long for users to get it!
yea, I haven't seen the update either :/ that sucks man! knowing that you've addressed the issues but have to wait so long for users to get it!

Well... I HOPE I've addressed the crashing issue! That's the MOST frustrating thing for me - if I HAVEN'T actually totally fixed the problem, then I have to do another patch release and everyone will have to wait another week for the approval process.

I appreciate that Apple have to perform a thorough vetting process on apps, but I am seriously reconsidering working with a platform where the turnaround time is so far outside my control. I can create the patch in minutes, but the turnaround time makes things look bad for me... :(
Ill be picking up the cables today. Purchased the app and got my iPad 3 last week so I will play around with it this weekend and get back to you...
Same here, I have the app for a week. Hope to be able to buy the USB-midi cable this weekend.... I'll def post an update
Same crashes in ipad 2 (when trying to switch presets)

DAMN! No change at ALL from previous version?

I'd like to hear from from anyone else who had crashing issue previously as to whether there are any changes? If you are still experiencing crashes, then could you please shoot me an email at: with the following info:

* iPad type (i.e. iPad 1, iPad 2 or 'New iPad')
* iOS version on the iPad (i.e. 5.0, 5.01, 5.1 etc.)
* Axe-FX type (Standard/Ultra/Axe-II)
* Axe-FX Firmware version
* Type of MIDI connection used

Actually, I'd like to hear from people who have iPad2's that WORK as well, just so I can try and put together a profile of what may be the causal factors.

In addition, anyone who is more technically knowledgeable, if you could please shoot me through the crash logs from the iPad, that would also help. See the following article on how to find the crash logs on your system after you sync your device with iTunes:

These will pinpoint where it is crashing THIS time. I used crash logs that another couple of users sent me to fix problems that I THOUGHT were causing the iPad2 crashes, but it looks like there could be something MORE happening in the background.

Send all crash logs and reports through to me at:

Thanks, and apologies again for the drawn out bug fix process...

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As long as you post here or on the website that an update has been submitted directly to Apple users will totally cut you some slack. I am ready to order it as soon as I hear whether the crashing is fixed. I would even accept mostly fixed as an occassional crash is no big deal. I am a long time Windows user so used to that. ;-)
Not for iPhone?

Hi Ju Lee,

At this stage, no plans for an iPhone version, but who knows - I might do a 'cut down' version that allows you to save and trigger presets from an iPhone, and perhaps activate the tuner?

I DO however, have another plan brewing for a totally different iPhone specific app that will work with the Axe-FX.... Shhhhhhhh! ;)
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