axefxIIxl new user...midi question


i have an axefxIIxl coming tomorrow. right now i use a kemper for gigs set up with a simple midi mouse to move from patch to patch. my question is (i have been trying to research this) will the midi mouse switch patches incrementally to the next patch or will it go through the 8 scenes on the first patch and midi#9 would be patch #2?
thanks for any help.
Welcome Bob!

It'll be great to hear your experience with the axe after the kemper. Al is right - patch changes.

You can setup the Axe to jump to a specific scene using preset changes though. So you will still have the ability to use scenes if you want to.
You should consider looking into a more robust midi controller, taking advantage of all the advanced midi control options they've built into the Axe-II makes the experience that much more enjoyable on stage. The amount of thought and planning that has been put into the midi control designs and the more advanced midi pedals themselves is incredible. It used to be that to have all that you needed a customized Bradshaw switching system and an engineering degree to program it (not anymore!).
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