AxeFxII weird/major issue! Signal cuts!


Well guys, this started happening like a week ago. I connect my Axe with the regulr mono out to my Atomic active wedge. First I thought it could be the wedge but I switched to another amp and it was the Axe.
The thing is that i start up like usual, great sound always. But all of a sudden the sound cuts away, the preset just rings a little with delays if its a high output patch. Then when I switch to different presets going up or down, sound kicks back in. Ithappens with every preset, and the sound comes back at any random preset. i use the mfc101 with 2 nice rack exp pedals. And when it is coming out right, it is sonic bliss. The thing is something with the output on the axe. I switched from unbalanced to balanced and the issue happened on both sides. Cables are monster and mogami. So every other link checks out. Guitars were swapped as well. Im very worried since it is a major issue concerning live and studio use. Anyone have this happened before?
Now it was holding on fine, but Im shure it might happen again when I go back in the room.

Help please!

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