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Axe FXII CPU Chart - firmware 17.03


Fractal Fanatic
Axe FXII CPU Chart firmware 17.03

I just made this chart for myself and thought you guys might enjoy having it also.
Remember to keep your presets under 90 CPU if you don’t want them to crackle or overload.

I made this chart by using the bypass preset with no blocks, then adding one at a time, every available block, with no other blocks in the preset.

Axe Edit, empty with no blocks or shunts is 8 CPU (w / classic input gate)
If you turn Threshold to off the CPU drops to 7

Axe Edit, empty with no blocks or shunts is 9 CPU (w / intelligent input gate)
If you turn Threshold to off the CPU drops to 8

Bypass = empty preset w/ shunts, but no blocks (w / classic input gate) = 9 CPU
Bypass = empty preset w/ shunts, but no blocks (w / intelligent input gate) =10 CPU

If you want to know how much the CPU totals by something on this chart, just add 10 (if you have your input gate set on intelligent input gate, or 9 if you are using the classic input gate.

For instance the blank preset w/ the intelligent input gate is 10 CPU. If you add the 4 voice analog chorus block it adds 5 CPU. So you end up with a total of 15 CPU.

I did not take into consideration how much CPU is added (if any) by adding controllers. If there is anything I missed that adds CPU let me know.

Chorus = 4 voice analog = 5 CPU
Chorus = 8 voice stereo = 6 CPU
Chorus = 80’s style = 3 CPU
Chorus = analog mono = 4 CPU
Chorus = analog stereo = 4 CPU
Chorus = digital mono = 3 CPU
Chorus = digital stereo = 3 CPU
Chorus = dimension 1 = 4 CPU
Chorus = dimension 2 = 4 CPU
Chorus = japan CE-2 = 4 CPU
Chorus = triangle chorus = 3 CPU
Chorus = vintage tape = 3 CPU
Chorus = warm stereo = 3 CPU

Compressor = Dynamics = 3 CPU
Compressor = Pedal Comp 1 = 1 CPU
Compressor = Pedal Comp 2 = 1 CPU
Compressor = Studio Compressor = 4 CPU

Crossover = 1 CPU

Delay = 2290 w / mod = 6 CPU
Delay = ambient stereo = 8 CPU
Delay = analog mono = 6 CPU
Delay = analog stereo = 6 CPU
Delay = digital mono = 5 CPU
Delay = digital stereo = 5 CPU
Delay = dual delay = 6 CPU
Delay = ducking delay = 6 CPU
Delay = mono tape = 6 CPU
Delay = ping pong = 6 CPU
Delay = reverse delay = 3 CPU
Delay = stereo tape = 6 CPU
Delay = sweep delay = 7 CPU
Delay = vintage digital = 6 CPU

Drive = BB Pre = 8 CPU
Drive = Bender Fuzz = 8 CPU
Drive = Bit Crusher = 8 CPU
Drive = Blues OD = 9 CPU
Drive = Esoteric ACB = 8 CPU
Drive = Esoteric RCB = 8 CPU
Drive = Eternal Love = 8 CPU
Drive = Fuzz Face = 10 CPU
Drive = FAS LED Drive = 8 CPU
Drive = Fat Rat = 8 CPU
Drive = FET Boost = 8 CPU
Drive = FET Preamp = 8 CPU
Drive = Full OCD = 8 CPU
Drive = Hard Fuzz = 7 CPU
Drive = M Zone Dist = 8 CPU
Drive = Master Fuzz = 10 CPU
Drive = Mid Boost = 8 CPU
Drive = OCt Dist = 8 CPU
Drive = PI Fuzz = 7 CPU
Drive = Plus Dist = 8 CPU
Drive = Rat Dist = 8 CPU
Drive = Ruckus = 8 CPU
Drive = SDD Preamp = 8 CPU
Drive = Shred Dist = 8 CPU
Drive = Super OD = 9 CPU
Drive = T808 Mod = 8 CPU
Drive = T808 OD = 8 CPU
Drive = Tape Dist = 8 CPU
Drive = Treble Boost = 8 CPU
Drive = Tube Drive 3 knob = 10 CPU
Drive = Tube Drive 4 knob = 10 CPU
Drive = Zen Master = 8 CPU

Enhancer = Modern = 2 CPU
Enhancer = Classic = 1 CPU

Feedback Return = 0 CPU
Feedback Send = 0 CPU

Filter = Bandpass = 0 CPU
Filter = Highpass = 1 CPU
Filter = Highshlf = 1 CPU
Filter = Highshlf 2 = 1 CPU
Filter = Lowpass = 0 CPU
Filter = Lowshlf = 0 CPU
Filter = Lowshlf 2 = 1 CPU
Filter = Notch = 1 CPU
Filter = Null = 0 CPU
Filter = Peaking = 0 CPU
Filter = Peaking 2 = 0 CPU
Filter = Tilt EQ = 1 CPU

Flanger = Analog Mono = 3 CPU
Flanger = Analog Stereo = 3 CPU
Flanger = Digital Mono = 2 CPU
Flanger = Digital Stereo 2 CPU
Flanger = Pop Flanger = 2 CPU
Flanger = Stereo Jet - 2 CPU
Flanger = Thru Zero = 2 CPU
Flanger = Zero Flanger = 2 CPU

Formant = 1 CPU

FX Loop = 1 CPU

Gate Expander = 1 CPU

Graphic EQ = (all choices) = 0 CPU

Looper = 1 CPU

Megatap Delay = 5 CPU

Mixer = 0 CPU

Multi-Delay = Band Delay = 4 CPU
Multi-Delay = Diffusor = 4 CPU
Multi-Delay = Plex Delay = 5 CPU
Multi-Delay = Plex Detune = 9 CPU
Multi-Delay = Plex Shift - 10 CPU
Multi-Delay = Quad Tape Dly = 8 CPU
Multi-Delay = Quad Series = 4 CPU
Multi-Delay = Quad Tap = 4 CPU
Multi-Delay = Rhythm Tap = 4 CPU
Multi-Delay = Ten Tap Dly = 4 CPU


Phaser = Barber Pole = 7 CPU
Phaser = Block 90 = 2 CPU
Phaser = Classic Vibe = 2 CPU
Phaser = Digital Mono = 2 CPU
Phaser = Digital Stereo = 3 CPU
Phaser = Script 45 = 2 CPU
Phaser = Script 90 = 2 CPU
Phaser = Stereo 8 Stage = 4 CPU

Pitch = Ad. Whammy = 4 CPU
Pitch = Arpeggiator = 3 CPU
Pitch = CL. Whammy = 4 CPU
Pitch = Crystals = 6 CPU
Pitch = Cust. Shift = 6 CPU
Pitch = Detune = 4 CPU
Pitch = Fixed Harm = 6 CPU
Pitch = Intel Harm = 6 CPU
Pitch = Octave Div = 2 CPU

Quad Chorus = 9 CPU

Resonator = 4 CPU

Reverb = Ambience = 11 CPU Normal, or 18 CPU High
Reverb = Asylum Hall = 13 CPU Normal, or 20 CPU High
Reverb = Cavern = 13 CPU Normal, or 20 CPU High
Reverb = Concert Hall = 13 CPU Normal, or 21 CPU High
Reverb = Deep Chamber = 13 CPU Normal, or 20 CPU High
Reverb = Deep Space = 13 CPU Normal, or 21 CPU High
Reverb = Drum Room = 11 CPU Normal, or 19 CPU High
Reverb = Cavern = 13 CPU Normal, or 20 CPU High
Reverb = Gymnasium = 13 CPU Normal, or 20 CPU High
Reverb = Hallway = 13 CPU Normal, or 20 CPU High
Reverb = Huge Room = 13 CPU Normal, or 21 CPU High
Reverb = Large Cathedral = 13 CPU Normal, or 20 CPU High
Reverb = Large Chamber = 13 CPU Normal, or 21 CPU High
Reverb = Large Deep Hall = 13 CPU Normal, or 21 CPU High
Reverb = Large Hall = 13 CPU Normal, or 21 CPU High
Reverb = Large Plate = 13 CPU Normal, or 20 CPU High
Reverb = Large Room = 12 CPU Normal, or 20 CPU High
Reverb = Large Spring = 3 CPU Normal, or 3 CPU High
Reverb = Large Tiled Room = 11 CPU Normal, or 19 CPU High
Reverb = LargeWooden Room = 12 CPU Normal, or 20 CPU High
Reverb = London Plate = 12 CPU Normal, or 20 CPU High
Reverb = Med. Cathedral = 12 CPU Normal, or 20 CPU High
Reverb = Med. Chamber = 11 CPU Normal, or 19 CPU High
Reverb = Med. Hall = 12 CPU Normal, or 20 CPU High
Reverb = Med. Plate = 12 CPU Normal, or 20 CPU High
Reverb = Med.Room = 12 CPU Normal, or 20 CPU High
Reverb = Med.Spring = 4 CPU Normal, or 3 CPU High
Reverb = North Church = 12 CPU Normal, or 20 CPU High
Reverb = Rec. Studio A = 11 CPU Normal, or 19 CPU High
Reverb = Rec. Studio C = 11 CPU Normal, or 19 CPU High
Reverb = Small Cathedral = 12 CPU Normal, or 20 CPU High
Reverb = Small Chamber = 12 CPU Normal, or 20 CPU High
Reverb = Small Hall = 12 CPU Normal, or 20 CPU High
Reverb = Small Plate = 12 CPU Normal, or 20 CPU High
Reverb = Small Hall = 11 CPU Normal, or 19 CPU High
Reverb = Small Spring = 3 CPU Normal, or 3 CPU High
Reverb = South Church = 12 CPU Normal, or 20 CPU High
Reverb = Stone Quarry = 10 CPU Normal, or 18 CPU High
Reverb = Studio = 11 CPU Normal, or 19 CPU High
Reverb = Sun Plate = 12 CPU Normal, or 20 CPU High
Reverb = Tunnel = 12 CPU Normal, or 20 CPU High
Reverb = Vocal Plate = 12 CPU Normal, or 20 CPU High
Reverb = Wide Hall = 12 CPU Normal, or 20 CPU High

Ring Modulator = 1 CPU

Rotary = 4 CPU

Synth = Off = 1 CPU
Synth = Pink Noise = 7 CPU
Synth = Random = 4 CPU
Synth = Sawtooth = 4 CPU
Synth = Sine = 2 CPU
Synth = Square = 4 CPU
Synth = Triangle = 5 CPU
Synth = Wht Noise = 6 CPU

Tone Match = 9 CPU

Tremolo / Panner = Tremolo = 1 CPU
Tremolo / Panner = Tremolo ( Exp or Log)= 2 CPU
Tremolo / Panner = Panner = 4 CPU

Vocorder = 10 CPU

Volume / Pan = 0 CPU

Wah Wah = 1 CPU


Amp =3 CPU (adding output comp adds 2 more CPU)

Cabinets = Normal Res = 9 CPU

Cabinets = Hi / Ultra Res Res = 12 CPU

Stereo Ultra Res Res = 21 CPU
Stereo Ultra Res w/ none, but w/ economy preamp = 23 CPU
Stereo Ultra Res w/ none, but w/ high quality preamp = 28 CPU
Stereo Ultra Res Res = (w/ Null = 26 CPU)
Stereo Ultra Res Res = (w/ mic = 26 CPU)
Stereo Ultra Res Res = (w/ mic and w/ economy preamp = 27 CPU
Stereo Ultra Res Res = (w/ mic and w/ high quality preamp = 33 CPU

Cabinets = Normal Res = 9 CPU (adding Null or a mic doesn’t change CPU)
Cabinets = Normal Res (w/ economy preamp) = 10 CPU
Cabinets = Normal Res (w/ high quality preamp) = 11 CPU

Cabinets = Stereo = 16 CPU
Cabinets = Stereo (w/ economy preamp)= 17 CPU
Cabinets = Stereo (w/ high quality preamp)= 23 CPU
External Controllers are ca. 0,5 CPU. Shunts are ca 0,25. Where did you read out? I assume from Axe-Edit? Some blocks cost nothing? Volume/GEQ/NULL filter? I measured some day like you, but read out at the Axe-screen direct.

If i remember correct:
Null filter = 0,9

I won`t complaint your time eating work, but if you have to fight about every bit CPU Power, reading out at the axe-screen directly will be more exact.

Also: USB Connection to PC costs ca 2-3 CPU, connection to MFC cost minor CPU (don`t remember, i believe the last times, CPU eating were decreased...?!).

Whats interesting to know also, IMHO: Load a big preset into your axe, go to the Utility CPU screen, do nothing and wait ... ca. 10 - 15 second later the CPU jumps ca. 2,5% higher! The "crackle sound barrier" is ca. at 94% (AFX II). To prevent from crackling you shouldn`t go higher than 91% (including MFC connection, excluding USB for live purposes) to have the "CPU jump" headroom ...
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External controller CPU will be dependent on what they are controlling. Modifying some parameters takes more CPU than others.
I did a similar thing recently. My list is not as complete and comprehensive, and my methods were a bit different.
What I did was just load up a completely empty preset and try each of these on their own. Then I went ahead and tried to manipulate the effect to take the MOST cpu possible. That's what my numbers indicate.
My numbers are also shifted maybe 0.5-1 CPU units UP compared to what they actually pull, to allow for some headroom.

Not sure it's helpful, but I'll post my data here as well if anyone finds it interesting:

Amp1 8.2
Cab1 20
Chorus1 7
Compressor1 5
Crossover1 1.5
Delay1 10
Drive1 13
Enhancer 2.5
Filter1 1.5
Flanger1 3.2
Gate/Expander1 2.5
GraphicEQ1 1.5
Megatap Delay 6 - 13
Mixer1 0.5
Multi-Delay1 5 - 17
MultibandComp1 8.7
ParametricEQ1 1.1
Phaser1 7
Pitch1 7
QuadChorus 9
Resonator1 5
Reverb1 14 - 22
Ring Modulator 2
Rotary1 4
Synth1 18
Tremolo/Panner1 4
Volume/Pan1 0.8
Thanks for the work Trance - and those who gave positive comments.
It's a great "ruler" when laying out new presets.
When I use Axe as a Audiointerface, there´s also less processing power. So we are looking Forward to Axe III with much more Power - better high Quality sounds, more Power - necessary.........
Really cool!

can't say I've paid too much attention to the CPU meter since my main preset is only 31% CPU utilization and most others are well under 50%, as I don't use many effects (or any apart from a Drive or EQ), though I was really surprised to see the CPU meter jump 20% when adding a high quality reverb the other day. I was starting to wonder what the most CPU-intensive effects are on the Axe, so this list is pretty interesting!
Man, that's a lot of work! Really appreciate it, with all the new features, this is handy info for preset building.
Thanks again!

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External controller CPU will be dependent on what they are controlling. Modifying some parameters takes more CPU than others.

Yeah, I've had a few presets pushed over the edge by controllers, or by changing Type of effect in a block. Knowing which effect type within a block that pushes CPU is handy. You can usually achieve similar results selecting a less CPU hungry version of an effect.

Sent from my iPhone
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