Axe-FX Ultra Improv

Ben Randolph

Power User
Hey guys,

Here are a few short improv sessions I recorded. These are all recorded with my Gibson SG Historic VOS through various clean patches on my Ultra, except for the last one which is done with my Partscaster.

I'm not technically a jazz guitarist, but jazz is one of those things that's a recent discovered love for me. I'm jamming with some jazz cats now and developing more and more a love of it!

Mixo Improv by Ben Randolph on SoundCloud

Jazz in C by Ben Randolph on SoundCloud

Autumn Leaves Improv by Ben Randolph on SoundCloud

Hail Santana! by Ben Randolph on SoundCloud
Yep, all good stuff Ben - the more you do, the better you'll get too!
Thank you for your kind words! Jamming with other players is like drinking from a fire hose, but it's expanding my playing more than practicing alone ever could.
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