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Axe-Fx III Firmware Version 5.00 Beta

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I played the rehearse today with 5.00b and oh my gosh! The guitar sat great in the mix and allowed all kinds of expression from just the pots and the playing. And there was some pressure in the mids that pushed the sound in the room like it never did before.
It didn't notice something spectacular when I tried it at home earlier and I didn't exspect it to excel that much., now I know better. Just wow!
Ok, I usually don’t go for the beta versions (no particular reason, just usually wait for the full release and the thumbs up from the regulars), but on reading these comments (and watching Leon’s video of course) I had to give it a go.

Well I’ve had great fun tonight with this update, going back through loads of presets (including the factory ones) and picking a bunch of new favourites.

Cliff - Glad you are getting some time in the studio to enjoy the ‘fruits of your labour’.

Thank you and your team,

Cheers Chris for pointing out my late night typo ;)
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I guess I have to join the farting Fender guys, Just loaded 5.00b Marshalls Friedman, Vox all sound very good, but my Fender Deluxe patch is very bass heavy, much more than the 4x12 stuff. I'm sure it can be tweaked out but not going to have a chance tonight. I have to agree something has increased the bass response on the fenders
Edit: yes did reset and not much change)

More bass or more distorted bass?
Same. It's absolute overkill for me considering I only use 2 models...but daaaaammmnnnnnn it's tempting.
I see this often. I don’t think the point of the Axe is to “use everything.” Even if someone uses just one amp sim, it’s worth it and not overkill if the tool is right for the job.
Yup, there is (was) something wrong with the Deluxe and several other Fender models. I've fixed it for the next release.

Shows how important a community of 'beta testers' is to find issues, possibly subtle or difficult to reproduce ones that only a few notice or can find due to their setups.

Note, though, how the few that found the issue (now confirmed) were somewhat ostracized by those who couldn't hear it or replicate it. We are all in this (grand Axe experiment) together!
I'm sure brit floyd would appreciate some quadrophonic effects

Dude, I'm gonna add that to the wish list for those of us who aspire to running not boring stereo but a quad/surround rig:
(1) 4-channel reverb (e.g. true asymmetric church reverb being able to pick an x-y location in the church)
(2) 4-channel ping-pong delay, either in a rotating pattern or coming from random locations
(3) 4-channel panning (L, R, front, rear location) with modifiers (e.g. a foot trackball that can locate the guitar anywhere in the quad field)
(4) ...perchance to dream...
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