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Axe-Fx III 16.00 Beta 12 "Cygnus" Firmware - Public Release Candidate

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I'm new to using the send and return blocks so I don't know if it's supposed to be this way but....when you add a return block the return level is set to 0. I spent a bit of time searching for what I had done wrong before discovering this ridiculously simple answer. I'm not sure if anyone would want the default return level to start at 0. My guess this is just a one that will be addressed in the next firmware. Of course everything sounds fab.
It's a safety thing to prevent unwanted feedback loops.
I'm new to using the send and return blocks so I don't know if it's supposed to be this way but....when you add a return block the return level is set to 0. I spent a bit of time searching for what I had done wrong before discovering this ridiculously simple answer. I'm not sure if anyone would want the default return level to start at 0. My guess this is just a one that will be addressed in the next firmware. Of course everything sounds fab.
Be forewarned, the Send Return adds +1 dB to the returned level. This screwed with me for so long till I bought a @austinbuddy bass preset pack and read through his notes.
That was a late scene change. Carlos is such a dynamic player. Honestly, it's hard for me to play the notes, coordinate the volume changes, effects changes, dynamics of playing, etc. There's a lot of things I need to work on. It's a never ending journey, right?
Amen! 👍
I'll let @austinbuddy speak to his comment. @FractalAudio I always appreciate being freed from a mental eddy, thank you.
Yes - I put +1db there in the Return block level for all the Live Gold Tone Pack presets.

The Fractal Audio design of Return Block is 100% transparent does not add or subtract any level/db and would be 0db by default.

Sorry if the TonePack manual is confusing on that point.
If you count the controllable mid band, 224 and 480L would technically have two xovers.
I can program most of the 224 and 480L presets from UA plugins to the Fractal verb pretty closely and I think I read somewhere it was lexicon inspired, but my memory isn't amazing.
I'd be interested in what changes were made to the Two Rock model. I love it under Cygnus but I'm not perceiving the kind of quantum changes that happened in other models. I spent a bunch of time not playing it during the earlier Cygnus betas so maybe my memory is just off.
Excellent! Totally nailed the feedback/sustains, too!

That was one of my trademark bits back in the day - getting that "forever sustain" going. On one studio track from '89, I hit it on the head on the scratch track take, and leading into the end solo (where I wasn't even supposed to be), I got a sustained note going and held it for about 2.5 minutes until the end of the song. The engineer ended up using it as a tuning standard to tune the tape to the bagpipes (it was their solo) and panned/faded my sustained note in for effect throughout....

EDIT: Found a link to the track:
Listen to Home by JohnnyFries on #SoundCloud

Nice one! I hear a extended woman tone lIke that and I immediately think of Randy California (tremendously underrated for his stuff with Spirit..) who prolly listened to EC do Outside Woman Blues on Disraeli Gears to an unhealthy extent...
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