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Axe-Fx II "Quantum" Rev 7.02 Firmware Release

As an XL + KPA and Helix owner ..... maybe .... just maybe ..... some of the totally over-the-top 2nd-coming-of-Jesus-hyperbole with 702 is turning some off (?)

If that is the case, why would those forum members continue to come into the thread if it is annoying them so much? I don't understand why someone would be annoyed by other people getting excited about something.

All I will comment is that years, actually even just months ago, any update required me to adjust settings to achieve what I was hearing in my head. Now I barely touch anything and if I do it is just to use a different type of tone, etc. like an amp. When I think of all the things that were NOT there before, like "Depth", "Variac", "B+Constant", etc, etc. were not there years ago. Maybe when folks say "better" just means different.
When you are on a dedicated manufacturer's forum, it seems like you should expect some fan boys?

A lot of us are here on the Fractal forum because we are fans! :) Fractal fans on the Fractal forum? omg

I wish I could comment more about Q7.02. I find myself playing acoustic guitar straight into a DI for the next umpteen shows :( My only pedal an MXR 10 band EQ for boost. Its an "honest" way to go but I still feel naked and tap at empty spots on the stage longing for pedals and controllers lol

And dayum, I've had to woodshed actual playing too. :)

I could be very easily talked into an AX8 for my AC Gtr right now lol
I wish I could comment more about Q7.02. I find myself playing acoustic guitar straight into a DI for the next umpteen shows :( My only pedal an MXR 10 band EQ for boost. Its an "honest" way to go but I still feel naked and tap at empty spots on the stage longing for pedals and controllers lol...

I could be very easily talked into an AX8 for my AC Gtr right now lol
Dude, don't wait! Haul your Axe along to the gig. A touch of small-room reverb for body, tasty preamp sims...hell, tone-match your favorite acoustic recording. And you can assign each one to footswitches to keep your toes happy. :)
"I find myself playing acoustic guitar straight into a DI for the next umpteen shows"

I could never go back to acoustic gtr into a DI, after using my AxeFx for that "same purpose". My flattop never sounded better (except in the studio, of course, but...)
Like Rex said... see if you can't do better w/ the Axe. I'd be truly surprised if you can't.
"I find myself playing acoustic guitar straight into a DI for the next umpteen shows"

I could never go back to acoustic gtr into a DI, after using my AxeFx for that "same purpose". My flattop never sounded better (except in the studio, of course, but...)
Like Rex said... see if you can't do better w/ the Axe. I'd be truly surprised if you can't.

I have used my XL+ rig with acoustic many times.

For this next run, I have to pair my rig down for the load in / out. I will be back in Fractal land again... soon :)
I'm thinking they'll get their wish soon enough.
Does this mean you're thinking on the bright side? Just kidding. I'm into east coast thunderstorms, and sometimes watch footage of Hawaiian volcanoes & such, and sometimes a little voice says, be careful about what you imagine - just because it makes a cool & explosive real or cinema experience; in case physicists are wrong, or right (and depending on which fake news is more fake); just in case imagination may have a way of influencing reality. So I'm envisioning a lot of tulips right now. A field of tulips I can tiptoe through. & what-you-know, lepre-cons are real. Still kidding. Seriously though, hope springs eternal, even though we humans are a bit slinky with it. Just work on timing - maybe in the big picture the negatives are just part of a tune, like this:

Please Lord, not until I've completely exploited the Axe's potential!

I've already assembled my doomsday supplies in recognition of recent increases in the likelihood of calamity: My survival stash includes:
- AxeFxII.
- Generator to run AxeFxII.
- Gibson SG guitar.
- Laptop to run AxeEdit.
- Premium Studio Monitors + Headphones
- Wagon to transport survival supplies in the event of difficulty using motor vehicle.
- Costco 48pack of Coke.
- Costco Mega Case of Pringles Chips
I'm good to go up here in the great white north.

PS - Nice Update.
My take on it......
  1. The Amp distortion has more 'grit?' almost leaning towards 'Fuzz?' More accurate I guess? As Cliff said 'Spitty'
  2. There is more bottom end 'thump', But in a good way. I used to have to dial out the lows to keep it from getting flubby. But now the lows are bigger but less flubby. I still dial it back to stay out of the other instruments space, but not as much.
  3. Less need to mess with 'Advanced' parameters.
  4. Amps sound less similar.
  5. I like way more Amp models than I did before.
Are you redoing your presets for sale? When you do I am upgrading immediately!
I agree with all five points.

The low end is less "tubby", but still as powerful. Same for the highs....the attack is more pronounced without being piercing in any way. The entire spectral "tilt" for lack of a better term has changed for the better. More separation between notes in a chord.

Various amp models are even more distinctive from one another. The attack, grain of distortion, eq, "knock", "squish", and all other useless terms are unique to each model. Compared to the II, the Ultra models all sound very similar. IMO, the II no longer has a "sound of its own".

Advanced parameters are not as necessary. I previously used Character (among others), but find I no longer need to use it to accentuate the attack. I still need to fine tune some of my presets, but the improvements are well worth the effort.

The Triaxis modes freaking SMOKE now. I'm not sure if the power amp used on the Boogies has changed, but I love the power amp breakup on the cleaner models.
Do I need to change anything on your great presets? If not, I am updating immediately!!!
I wish I could comment more about Q7.02. I find myself playing acoustic guitar straight into a DI for the next umpteen shows :( My only pedal an MXR 10 band EQ for boost. Its an "honest" way to go but I still feel naked and tap at empty spots on the stage longing for pedals and controllers lol
I love using my AX8 for acoustic gigs. There's this Joe Satriani guy who uses it for acoustic gigs too. Works really well. Just saying... :D
I love this forum, but I have to agree, I find the constant gushing extremely irritating. But I tolerate it anyway as the cost of being here. And it's still worth it, so I stay.
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