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Axe-Fx II "Quantum" Rev 5.00 Firmware Released

".. 2. Due to space limitations in the Mark I/II BOOTROM this firmware is not backwards compatible with presets saved prior to firmware version 15.08. .. "

If I save my presets on the machine again on the same place without changing anything, this presets is then a Q5 preset, even if it was a FW13 preset before, isn't it?
".. 2. Due to space limitations in the Mark I/II BOOTROM this firmware is not backwards compatible with presets saved prior to firmware version 15.08. .. "

If I save my presets on the machine again on the same place without changing anything, this presets is then a Q5 preset, even if it was a FW13 preset before, isn't it?

Since you update from Q4, your preset was saved with Q4, and is not a FW13 preset anymore :)
I think he need to Save them.
FW does not save presets for you

Okay... I understood, that he had a FW13-preset he used in Q4, maybe since earlier FWs.
Yes, if he wants to use a FW13 preset (seems a bit problematic to me, since so many params and modelling backgrounds have changed) he has to Import it, eventually reset the amp and then save it in Q4...

By the way : as a mark I user since FW6 I'm really greatful, that TEH wizzard found a way to let us be part of at least one more - I hear, really cool - FW upgrade. Thx a L O T!
I think he need to Save them.
FW does not save presets for you
So you are saying every time you upgrade your firmware, you need to re-save all your presets? I'm not sure about that. If you have your global firmware setting set to the latest firmware, I would assume you would NOT need to save all the presets each time you upgrade your firmware, because the box will automatically use the new global tweaks of the new firmware. It may be different if you are importing an older preset. But in that case you would need to do a lot more than just re-save it. Someone please correct me if I'm wrong?
Not every time.. But if i made a preset on fw 16.. and not tweek that preset,or save it another time. Then that preset is from fw 16.
And have not been Saved later than fw 16. I Think :)
I might be wrong
I really thought Q5 was a significant upgrade. More than I've felt we've had in a long time. I really heard and felt the difference in my Marshall presets. There's an obvious non-linear decay thing going on behind/between/somewhere in the tone that has me thinking Cliff's nailed the final 1%.
Okay, 5.01 is just stupid good sounding. I can't believe how much difference that little fix made. Depends on the model to some degree but the Rectos chug and the Marshalls purr and kerannggg. A/B'ing with Q4.xx and it's subtle but obvious. 4.xx goes shhhhzzzzzz while 5.01 goes grrrrrrrrrrr.

I never really liked the Brit JVM models but in 5.01 they're addictive. Pick squeaks and pinch harmonics just jump off the fretboard.

"while 5.01 goes grrrrrrrrrrr."
So, yes, this is a very important Thing! The Hook had this from the beginning!:)
There is so much improvement frequency wise, since Quantum IV was released. In previous versions, i had to dip a lot of harsh frequencies for my Musicman Luke II with EMG's, and even then, it still sounded artificial, therefore i used my tele instead. But with the release of Quantum V it is is so exciting to play with a class A amp, i can have "organic" sounded growl distortion even with EMG 85! The improved drives are amazing! Thanks so much Cliff and FAS team!
Not every time.. But if i made a preset on fw 16.. and not tweek that preset,or save it another time. Then that preset is from fw 16.
And have not been Saved later than fw 16. I Think :)
I might be wrong

I'm not sure but I believe that it works this way. Maybe someone who knows exactly how it's working could confirm??
Therefore it makes sense to me to restore any of my presets as I'm not sure with which FW they were made.
Is there a way to check which FW was used when creating a preset?
I don't know how you can make it better! I'm so in love with it the way it is now.
In this universe, all things are bound by the laws of physics. For example, Einstein theorized we can never exceed the speed of light. It is an asymptote we can approach, but never cross.

FAS has found a way to break the laws of physics. :)
In this universe, all things are bound by the laws of physics. For example, Einstein theorized we can never exceed the speed of light. It is an asymptote we can approach, but never cross.

FAS has found a way to break the laws of physics. :)

You don't have to break the laws in order to achieve your objectives; e.g. fold/warp/bend/manipulate space and while you may not travel faster than light, you can cross great distances very quickly. Meaning, clever thinking gets you incredible results. That's FAS. ;)

Looking for F/W Warp 9! Engage ...
I've also noticed a marked leap forward since Q4. The character of each amp model is more apparent to me. The Fender models are more "Fendery" etc. Each model has more of its own fingerprint and feel.

I was so inspired, I erased all three preset banks and am starting from scratch. I'm discovering several amps that I never made a connection with before. Lots of new empty slots for experimentation!

The drive pedals are really great now, by the way!

Thanks Cliff and co.!
Spooky action at a distance.

The tube amps are in his garage...we are really just using them when we play.
Yeah, that's what Quantum stands for: Quantum entanglement.
He's put his amps in a superposition state, every amp is contemporarily located in his warehouse and inside every axe fx..
Hope the wave function won't collapse :D
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