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Axe-Fx II "Quantum" Rev 5.00 Firmware Released

Has the CF Hardness parameter been added to the amp block in Axe-Edit or is access restricted to the front panel? I couldn't find it in Axe-Edit.
Axe-Edit 3.8.3 is a bug-fix release. It doesn't yet have the CF Hardness parameter.
As a Mk I owner I have to say thank you FAS for this great release! :)
The marshallish amps have a really juicy sound that I like a lot and also the Bad Cat (that I never used so much) to my ears is now more defined.
I'm sorry but the day but a piece of gear because the company owner is nice to guys whining about updated on a weekend is when I go and start DJ'ing.
Have you read all the moans about the mk1/2 running out of firmware updates. So it's postponed... What happened next time same "we the buying public are entitled to more amps".
This is just frigging crazy.


What ?
Just got the latest firmware Quantum 5.00 and I did a comparison with some of my presets today. Here is a short clip of my Soldano SLO 100 preset from PresetADay (created with firmware Q3 and not retweaked for Q4+Q5) to compare with the last 3 firmwares. I played loud in my practice room and recorded it with my smartphone. So I hope you can hear the differences of the 3 firmwares. Q4 is smoother than Q3 and Q5 is awesome. Hard to describe, but its very smooth, creamy, spongy, juicy - it sounded fantastic in the room. The harmonics and tone just seem to bloom. Its another step forward for the sound of the Axe FX II. Thanks Cliff, as I'm one of the MK I users for us MK I users being able to take part on this amazing ride of guitar tones.

Launch FracTool, click the batch setter tab.
Select the amp block, the modeling version parameter, the latest value.
Select a preset range to apply to. Hit the button, it will cycle thru the preset range and set the value and save each preset

I saw this 24 hours too late. I went through the 70 presets I've made myself and changed them one at a time last night. I like your way more.

What ?
He should probably take some english classes instead of Djing, can you imagine him Djing at a club and talking like that ROFL. He's sound like James Brown lol.
Just got the latest firmware Quantum 5.00 and I did a comparison with some of my presets today. Here is a short clip of my Soldano SLO 100 preset from PresetADay (created with firmware Q3 and not retweaked for Q4+Q5) to compare with the last 3 firmwares. I played loud in my practice room and recorded it with my smartphone. So I hope you can hear the differences of the 3 firmwares. Q4 is smoother than Q3 and Q5 is awesome. Hard to describe, but its very smooth, creamy, spongy, juicy - it sounded fantastic in the room. The harmonics and tone just seem to bloom. Its another step forward for the sound of the Axe FX II. Thanks Cliff, as I'm one of the MK I users for us MK I users being able to take part on this amazing ride of guitar tones.

Thanks for sharing your story and vid man!!!
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