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Axe-Fx II Firmware V12.00 Up

This Box is called Two-Notes Torpedo VB101, but i doubt it will sound more accuratethan wat we have still now. I A/Bed a simultaneous recording from a miced Cab with the IR of that miced Cab and remember you stated hearing appreciable differences. For me, differences were indistinguishable. With this expertise for myself i can only repeat: to me, the Cab Block is absolutely not a weak point. It represent the reality very very well. HiRes will improve the accuracy in the low end maybe a bit better, but i bet it will not be night and day, how could it, if it`s right now so damn accurate?! IMHO.

I've had the opportunity to record with the FX2 -> real cab -> real mic -> DAW.
Then create an IR (using the FX2) of the real cab -> real mic using the same hardware.
Then record FX2 ->created IR.

It sounds quite similar. But the real cab -> real mic recording was sounding more alive and more open to me.
So it is certainly very good but there is still a bit to improve :)
Scene controllers!? I didn't even know this was a possibility! I can't wait to use this feature! Come on weekend, get here quick!
Very nice update Cliff. I hear alot more clarity when swtitching from FW 11 to12 in the Global menu. Also, the FAS Drive is killer. It has replaced my TS808 OD.
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